May SOTM Entry: OR Carp

John Bartlett's first slab worth fish of the year. 30 el b's.
fresh water bonefish,
sslab of month in

John Bartlett's first slab worth fish of the year. 30 el b's.
Reader Comments (10)
I bet that would be fun with a Bow-n-Arrow!!
Fuck you suckit! then what? You gonna chuck it on the bank to rot?
I don't care what any trolls say - that carp is way more wily, stealthy, spooky, strong and more challenging to catch than any other freshwater species. That is a great fish.
Mad skills, John. Way to go.
You're gonna need more than a Buff to keep that stank out of your nostrils.
Nice fish, though!
looks like 12wt. gloves helped get the job done!
That is a fantastic fish! Nice work, and keep up the great work on 'carp on the fly', too!
Just say'n.........Little Bitchs.
sweet fish dude.
Carp make great targets...
His name is John Montana I think....