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May SOTM Entry: Utah Rainbow

Phil Tuttle with a nocturnal hen on a mouse pattern.

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    Response: 彩钢设备
    彩钢 压型机 瓦设备价格|彩钢瓦设 复合板机 备哪家好|彩钢瓦压型机|泊头通达压瓦机械厂 10、二十岁的时候,挤在人头攒动的公共大巴上,吃着甜筒,挺开心。 三十岁之后,看见破旧肮脏的的士都心烦,拜托!油价一跌,就去买车吧 压瓦机 ,一路开往小康。 8、二十岁的时候,我直想往前冲,谁也别挡我。 ...

Reader Comments (10)

Mr. Tuttle:
Fine fish sir. I can only wonder which of Utah's many rivers this specimen was found on. Do not hesitate to be non-acquiescent.

May 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRiverRunsBetween

For those interested the fish was 34"x18.5" and you can read the full story on Outsmarting Fish

May 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDerekO

I have caught some HUGE fish in Utah. It doesn't get the attention the "trout" states get. Thank God. It is relatively unknown to the outside world but probably not for long. Beautiful country, weird as hell locals.

May 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPNW Miner

Why do they clip the adipose in Utah? Does it mark a triploid? RbCt hybrid?

May 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterT

34 by 18.5?????? HHOOOllllllyyy SHIIIIIIT! thats a monster bow.

May 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfishmayne

Cowlitz steelhead glow balling lol Utah bow ahahahaha hatchery fish I know that guy, straight up snagger

May 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterStoop

Stoop....yeah, looks like he snagged that on a deerhair-foam mouse in the dark with his night vision goggles on.....

May 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClint

yeah just looked at utah f&w they have no clipped fish programs in the state??? weird.
and clint people snag fish at night all the time on cowlitz.... get with it....... havent you been around?

May 14, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterstephan pittman

I don't hate. I love. I love the ignorance of butthurt chuckos on here. The lack of a dorsal is weird for sure, but it being a steelhead, snagged, at night, in Washington? Sorry that his landlocked bow is bigger than the chromers you catch.

May 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSeriously Chucko?

lol wasnt talking about size at all man. commented on the night snagging deal is all. and i live in the land of big nasty sea run rainbows and have caught a few in my day.

May 15, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterstephan pittman

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