March SOTM Entry: Xmas G.T.
Friday, March 16, 2012 at 12:00AM
Erik von Heideken with a back-breaker.
tagged g.t., giant trevally, slab of the month in Contests
Erik von Heideken with a back-breaker.
Reader Comments (8)
I do so love a completely unmolested photograph. No visual trickery here- I believe one can see the coast of chile in the far right hand corner. Nice fish as well- though he appears to have been born with a dwarf tail- not sure thats entirely fair.
...come a little closer
why does everybody have to be a god damned photo analyst on here. shut the fuck up about the quality and techniques of the picture taking. Nice effin fish man.
well noted. perhaps MC could use one of the other photos so I don't get slagged too hard. Fisheye lenses can make some fun images. and it's all in good fun. Still a nice GT for me... but just another day in the office for the guides at Christmas island.
Gents- if one enters oneself for public judgement on the slabness front one should be man enough to take public comment- which will probably be largely jocular-like a strap. One question- Is an "effin" fish one with a tiny tail? Or should that say elfin?
Nice fish, but I would have appreciated the photo more without the fish eye perspective.
How much chumming did the guides do the night before? The GT shit in Xmas Island is super gay...chum it up bitches
this is the equivalent to catching a tarpon at robbies...