Dick of the Week - Pebble Executive Critical of Environmental Groups

Couldn't just stick to the data summary now could you Ken?
During last week’s Pebble Partnership update to lawmakers in Juneau, Vice-President Ken Taylor presented an overall summary of the data being released through its Environmental Baseline Document. However, he could not complete his remarks in front of lawmakers in Juneau without addressing the opposition that exists to the Pebble Mine. Taylor feels that the groups opposing the Pebble Mine don’t want to see a wise use of Alaska’s resources.
Well at least he didn't call them terrorists.
A little background on VP Ken Taylor from the Pebble Partnership.
Mr. Taylor has worked as a wildlife biologist in the State of Alaska for more than 30 years, most recently as Deputy Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. He spent 10 years as an Area Biologist in the region of southwest Alaska where Pebble is located.
You would think a biologist would have a greater appreciation for the environment they earned thier living working in for 10 years.
Nice gig for a retired state employee.
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