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A wise angler will shut up and listen to anyone with 30 years of steelhead fishing experience

In the case of Dan Magers, steelheaders should go further, forking over $25 and devoting a few evenings to serious study of his new book.

Magers, of Bigfork, has backed his steelheading savvy with detailed records of Idaho’s Clearwater River. The information will boost the probability of catching steelhead in varying conditions in any river using any method, he said.

LINK (via: The Missoulian)

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Reader Comments (1)

Don't know this Dan and is more than likely the nicest guy in the world. But shit man a book that shows every jackwagon in the world where and how to park there boat right on top of the meat bucket. Run there plugs 20 yards out into it and slowly and I mean SLOWLY work there way through it. Some even anchor. Clearwater isn't so big anymore when 40 boats are blasting up and down just to get a hole. Hope he has written something on river ethics.

November 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

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