Meanwhile, on the streets of Casper, WY

Hot off the press from good friend Blake Jackson - PETA made a visit to the Ugly Bug in Casper yesterday. Looks like they made some friends...
blake jackson,
ugly bug fly shop in
fly fishing

Reader Comments (14)
Funny, the only Montana PETA group I'm familiar with is People Eating Tasty Animals!
I love it. When PETA came to our home town to protest the local KFC, my buddy and I went down and had lunch. We ate on the lawn in front of KFC and had a "nice" conversation with the PETA protesters.... in front of a reporter. We made the front page of the paper the next morning. KFC said their sales for that day the highest on record. PETA hasn't been back.
pretty sure Casper's in WY, but same difference.
Maybe PETA doesn't know that we fly fishers are probably some of, if not the most, proactive people when it comes to conservation and protecting the fish we catch.... they probably didn't think about that
God Bless Wyoming!!!
Dude in the slayer t-shirt.....ur the man!!
Steelfooter --- Extremists never think like that.
One of our favorite news stories from a few years ago is about a "treehugger" in the Pacific Northwest who one day got this flash of inspiration: he said he was tired of getting arrested over and over with the same six hippies, and wanted to get some real results. So he started organizing with the conservationists and the hunters too, and they held a big concert. Everyone had fun and they made enough money to buy the forest he'd been trying to protect, and stopped the clear-cutting.
I'm betting that PETA chick has a "beard" longer than Rasputin........
Same two where in Boise Idaho last week. I know because I walked up to them and asked if they knew it was a fly shop and most pratice catch and release? She said" it stil hurts the fish" LOL I guess she can talk to fish? NUT
too funny kooks
This is retarded.Tell em to go protest pebble mine if they want to make some real change. Or protest aquaculture. Don't protest against the very people who are interested in the preservation of species. says it all, they only place1 in 300 animals in their shelters and the rest are euthanized before the owner leaves the parking lot. They were also caught illegally dumping the bodies. Fuck those hypocrites. I catch and release fish, they murder mans best friend by the thousands.
PETA is a hypocrtical farse of an organization filled with misguided and/or crazy people with too much time on their hands. It is easily one of the most BS-filled, corrupt, mis-run organizations in this country. How? First off they kill over 95% of the animals they take in for adoption, but's here's a couple examples of how and why:
"Maybe PETA doesn't know that we fly fishers are probably some of, if not the most, proactive people when it comes to conservation and protecting the fish we catch.... they probably didn't think about that"
Unfortunately, that does not quite hold true for the thousands of animals we turn into our flies every year. lol
While I am an avid flyfisher for the past 25 years, I get a kick out of how are community sites conservation is first, yet the practices in the fly tying industry are quietly ignored.
Just sayin'!