Sept SOTM Entry: Dryside Buck

Jarad Skeels with a nice dryside buck - photo by Nick Vallano.
klickitat river,
slab of month,
steelhead in
fly fishing

Jarad Skeels with a nice dryside buck - photo by Nick Vallano.
Reader Comments (16)
Nice one. And barely out of the water for a quick photo. Well done.
Those shorts on the other hand, nasty. Fit for golfing, but for steelheading?!
Hurray. Now the Kilck is going to be even more crowded with green horns making videos.
Olde farts know how to stay low key, keep secrets. Only naive dudes do this type of stuff. They can be new to the sport and young or new to the sports and old. Either way, they simply do not know the repercussions of their actions and post these stuff solely to stroke their egos.
Don't kid yourselves and think I am the one who is the one with the ego.
You guys think I am just jealous?
If you ever get jealous over a fish you haven't been fishing long enough.
And that SAGE hat, how original.
Dude, the picture doesnt even have a posted name of the river. yes some people know it, but your the etard that posted its name in your comment. your a douche.
Miner........old farts SUCK! I can't count how many times I have had a vest wearing, wading stick toting, old fart come and fish right on top of me. The old farts need to learn some common fishing courtesy. Not to mention the old farts that come on the chum bitching about some other guys catch. Go grab your wading stick and vest and go fishing. Don't get your depends in a wad.
Wow miner really went pro there didn't he? I really admire a hater who has their skill so dialed. Not only did he get to act like he has been catching megabucks off that rock for a century, he now gets to blame the river crawling in guide boats on skeels for being a greenhorn filmer in a gosh darned SAGE hat. Clearly if you had fished longer and caught as many megabucks as miner you wouldn't need to even take a picture. Instead you could hang online and player hate like a real boss. Don't think for a second he is jealous tho! Absolutely not!
Nice fish skeelz wish I coulda been on the boat with you and Nic. We shall do a trip soon.
You guys will all grow up in time. It is all good. Just don't bitch when you get old when there aren't any fish left and you can't take pictures of them anymore.
The name of the river was posted. It was changed. Such is the way the internet works. Yeah it makes me look like dumb ass for posting it after the change.
Cheers young bucks. You guys catch so many fish! Holy shit if only I could be young again. Oh wait, there aren't any hardly any fish or seasons anymore and the rivers are crowded with the me-generation douche market.
BTW, I ain't that old. It doesn't take age to attain wisdom. Just the ability to to look beyond yourself and the gratification you think you are getting from catching big fish for the internet to be jealous of.
If you guys only had like 15 years of actual perspective on the rivers in the PNW you would be scared of where things are going and keeping fisheries low key. But you don't currently. However, you will. You will fucking hurt someday when you have snapped your last picture of a steelhead posing in your SAGE hat.
Please grow up soon. Leave your cameras and cell phones at home. Fish and enjoy that you are doing what you love rather than fishing for the admiration from your peers.
I agree with PNW Miner. Too many 'SAGE' young bucks out there just to get their picture with a big fish. Like they are the first to ever catch a fish on so-and-so river. Loose the cameras and your trendy fly fishing outfits and mature into a real steelheader.
By the way, not even a big fish. Poor entry for SOTM.
Oh Miner......breathe brother. The landscape of fly fishing has changed. Most of us "young bucks" are conservationists too. I mean look at the guy in the pic....the damn fish isn't even out of the water. You can't even tell me you have never taken a pic of a slab you caught. I guess there is a reason people say "grumpy,old man". Maybe your just pissed that you have "15 years" on this guy and this "young buck" can out-fish your ass.
Don't hate me because I don't wear a vest and neoprenes. BTW this might surprise you but I don't own a Sage hat either.
First off dude is wearing boardshorts and a longsleeve T and your gonna make him out as a gaper for sporting a Sage hat? I live 8 miles from their headquaters... there the TOP rod manufacturer in the wolrd........I run sage rods proudly and have owned some hats over the years and am far from a GAPER like yourself....I can hear the jealousy in your post.....and I assure you that Jared and myself care as much as anybody about the conservation of these fish.........Photography is a HUGE part of flyfishing if you hadn't noticed even the most conservation minded people out there stop to take a photo of a nice fish......And 15yrs of prespective.... you should know what your talking about before GAPING...... respect your elders SON...... So keep going to your eagle scout meetings and keep up on your paper route and maybe one day Dad will meet you half way on a new SAGE rod............
I find it humorous that this conversation is transpiring on moldychum. Considering slab of the month is what separates this blog from the millions of other blogs on the internet and if it wasn't for fly fishing photography there wouldn't be a moldychum to begin with. I can only look at so many pics of boutique rods and classic reels. A thousand carp, musky and permit can be posted without a word said and a fine Washington summer native held with gentle care gets ripped apart for what hat, shorts and shirt dude is wearing. I admire your enthusiasm and if you care about the river in question and the natives it holds, instead of player hating skeelz and all sage hat young bucks, maybe you should direct some of that fire towards closing the hatcheries and limiting the guide traffic that gaps that poor river out every year. There is a lot to fight for when it comes to Washington steelhead. Certainly sitting back making assumptions and lamenting over the young crowd don't do anything but make you look like an ass. And does nothing for the fish.
And that is a really nice summer native. Big clearwater hatch mutant b runs don't count.
Only naive dudes do this type of stuff. They can be new to the sport and young or new to the sports and old. Either way, they simply do not know the repercussions of their actions and post these stuff solely to stroke their egos.. I mean look at the guy in the pic....the damn fish isn't even out of the water. You can't even tell me you have never taken a pic of a slab you caught
What's wrong with vests?
You're - You are
Your - possessive
There - location
Their - possessive
They're - they are
Not aiming that at anyone, just throwin' it out there.
I hope you guys never ever complain about the crowding on the Klick. You can't. You don't have a leg to stand on if you do and I'll bet you already have. Who is the hypocrite now?
I still can't believe you guys think I am jealous. Anyone who thinks someone else is jealous over a summer run steelhead is clearly young and inexperienced and surrounds themselves with similar people. If you fish the dry side regularly, and have been for years, you would have had days where you hooked up 10 or more times on dries. It ain't rocket science either.
I hope you realize that the more people that are into fly fishing means the more advocates for better fishing access and conservation. Dont think that just because you have been doing this longer than alot of us younger guys that you know what is best for these rivers. The crowds flock to the rivers no matter what. Why not have more of them carrying fly rods and not nets. AND.......its just a blog. YOU get over YOURSELF.
This was all meant for the guy with the agro comments.
A dick is a dick is a dick. I like vests and neoprenes.
chest pounding,
slab toting,
brand spanking
preening peacocks
wanna-be a skateboarder with a fly rod
blowing minds one key stroke at a time