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Confluence Films: Connect

For Confluence, is the third time a charm? Feedback welcome...

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Reader Comments (11)

Stoked and looking forward to its release. The other two flicks were top notch.

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBrent

I hope so.
They have the resources to make an epic film. I looks however, like they've just kept to the same thing old thing- slow moving, documentary-narritive. This clip looks like more of the same from the guys who brought you other one-word titled films. No doubt, they travel to some really cool places but that's not really enough to make a film cool. Drift was pretty good and original in parts but in both of their earlier films, I kept asking: Why won't the narrator shut up? Can anybody else carry the story except a voice?
But maybe this one's different...

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commentera hopeful viewer

I don't need a sensei pointing out a hat is to big or bright on a $20 fish video. Go fish, film it, and edit it. Simple, really.

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

Simple - really? why don't you post your film if it's that easy. These guys do a great job of entertaining, I'm looking forward to the next one. Drift, Rise, Connect it works for me

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranother hopeful viewer

...just shy of 30 seconds before you see anything more than (boasting) black background/white lettering
next 'bout 20 seconds of mixed action, as well as monkeys, hippos, elephants etc....
then about 20 seconds for the explanation of Jimmy's red hat.... k
followed by 15 seconds of the SA explaining "agi"??...and it's beauty
so now were 3/4 of the way, give or take, through a 2:09 min trailer
next is 4 locations in about 12 seconds
and, what I think is the best part, top-water Muskie hits
finishing with a good 15 seconds of (more) credits

so lets review
we'll give 'em the 20 of mixed 12 for the 4 locations... and 8 for the Muskie hits
that's a total of 40 seconds out of a possible 129... shit mang, that's not even 33%
Drift, that's the model
some laurel resting me thinks, but then I'm just a customer...

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdeerhawk

Dear Deerhawk,

That was actually a Northern Pike



September 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDTF

I know it's a different film maker, but some of the best clips on the "fish bum" video series for me was when they match the color of a blow fly with an Oreo wrapper, or when they cut the shift out of a yak tail to tie giant streamers in Mongolia. Some of these guys are living the dream and going on kick ass adventures and that gets my attention all day long. My 2 cents

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterspinner

deerhawk, seriously, you put that much time into breaking down a two minute fishing movie trailer....well, theres your problem son. Go ge a carona, pretend your on the beach, relax. Fishing movies will never win oscars, they are just for good people, who like to fish.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn cocktoastin

anyone can make a grip and grin movie. that is easy and boring. unless you caught something huge then i don't need to see a closeup of every fish you caught. the stories make the movie. go watch a slideshow or maybe GO FISHING or watch other people fish if thats what you're into. movies have stories and a narrative, and these films are the best at that.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermt

...pike, thanks DTF, I stand corrected
John... took 'bout 10 min...and I'm not yer son
the purpose of the trailer is to attract an audience to the film, IMHO this failed
others may bend over for endless dahsboard/boat/monkey/dialog/helicopter/campsite etc footage in their FF films... fine, go for it
I wonder if the cutting room floor was clean
ambition is good, but to much ambition can be, well, to much
no Oscar?..I'll hold my cards for now on that bet, 'cause there's some real talented individuals out there...and we seem to be the perfect parterre

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdeerhawk

I saw CONNECT last night in Bozeman - The World Premier on a huge screen - It was incredible - best one yet - these guys blew away their other films Drift and Rise. So stoked, I'm going fishing today.

October 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStoked to fish

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