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A Tribe Opts For Hatcheries to Bring Fish to the Elwha

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Reader Comments (8)

I gotta agree.....The tribe wants their 'pound of flesh'and they're as deluded as the rest of the hatchery management that the 'giant fish of the Elwa' will come back.....If they have put off their 'sacred rite' of gill netting the river for so long(but have a going at sea fishery),they can wait the 10 years till the stocks recover on their own......

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJP2

How can "scientists" not see the clear evidence that hatcherys blow balls, Isn't their continued efforts to legitimize hatcheries the definition of insanity? idiots

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdisappointed

Yeah, how dare they disagree with you on a policy question! Silly Indians. Isn't is inconvenient when you use Indian culture as a (partial) justification for restoring salmon runs, but then those unappreciative Indians go and disagree on the best way to restore those salmon runs?

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterreader

It's a crock of shit because Yvon Chouinard says it is. Do not question the leader. Resistance is futile...............

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermoistness meter

I love how they talk restoring the eco-system with hatcheries in one breath and then reclaiming their tribal right to harvest in the next. If you buy that an eco-system can be restored in conjunction with a paradigm of mass harvest then I've got a golden pile of poo to sell you.

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDylan Rose

OK,some more wordsand some mea culpa...My town east of Seattle has had a state hatchery since the 30's(bring back the WPA) and it's been a going concern for the area. The salmon provide commercial and sport fisherys,the hatchery also raises troutys and is involved in helping to re-establish a kokanee population in the local lake. They're doing this by rearing native kokes and releasing the fry when they're big enough..Does this make them zombie fish? Or provide a safe habitat for saving increasingly scarce fish?
Our other problem is our own 'Elwa' situation....The hatchery's 1930s dam stops any fish from going upstream and needs to be re-built to allow that......which could be done at 1/10th the price of the Boondoggle on the Elwa....Are local projects less viable than one Big Show? Or has fed and state bucks gotten so low that eggs must be placed in one basket?
Thanks for the good post Moldy.......

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJP2

...Trader found the Jeweled Land
Was occupied before he came
By Humans of a second look
Who couldn't even write their names
Trader said their not as good
As folks who wear velvet robes
Wrote home again and asked "Please help...
The breasts I see, their not like me"
Banish them from our prairies and our hillsides
Clear them from our mountains and our seasides
I want them off our lakes
Please reply
Signed, sincerely...

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdeerhawk

Now I will spit in the air and let it land on my own face. That is how disgusted I am

August 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBrett Bates

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