Will changing climate cut western trout habitat in half?

BOISE, Idaho — A new study shows a changing climate could reduce suitable trout habitat in the western U.S. by about 50 percent over the next 70 years, with some trout species experiencing greater declines than others. The results were reported by a team of 11 scientists from Trout Unlimited, the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, Colorado State University, the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group. Read on at TU.org
Reader Comments (3)
If Trout Unlimited would have spent the tens of millions of dollars it has raised over the years buying and preserving trout habitat, we would all have better access and stewardship over so much trout habitat for the future. Instead these group continue to study study study shit. Whirling disease is bad - NO SHIT, REALLY! Global Warming would be bad for cold water fish - wow you fuckers are pure genius, who knew!
BAXTERVILLE, NY — A newer study shows an asteriod collision with earth could also reduce suitable trout habitat in the western U.S. by about 50 percent over the next 70 years, with some trout species experiencing greater declines than others. The results were reported by a team of 11 dudes with multiple cases of Busch Light...
The absolute best way a government, corporation or organization can appear to be doing something on a very big scale and very effectively, and do absolutely nothing, is by spending a ton of money for someone else to do a study...