The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example ~ Benjamin Disraeli

Staff Sergeant Sal Giunta of the 173rd Airborne is the first living Medal of Honor recipient since the Vietnam War. His actions occurred in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley duiring the deployment chronicled in the movie "Restrepo."

memorial day,
sal giunta in

Reader Comments (6)
Thank you for your service Sergeant Giunta. A grateful nation appreciates you.
The respect and gratitude I have for these guys is immeasurable. To all of them, Thank You.
Subway > US Army
I left the USA. ...I am young....I have two young children.....I have no job......and my wife has cancer....I was feeling a little sorry for myself....... but now I am over it.....end of story.
Thank you!!!
From this Veteran to a SSG Giunta, Hoo Ahh to you and your courageous and honorable actions.
Hoo Ahh to Moldy Chum for posting this.