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Response: cheap louis vuittonFly Fishing | Blog | Photos | Podcasts | Travel | Gear | and More - Moldy Chum - Colorado Artic Grayling
Response: my review hereWonderful Web site, Stick to the fantastic work. Thank you!
Reader Comments (5)
There are actually a couple places here that you can fish for grayling here. If you do some map work I am sure you can find them. When I fish Joe Wright I like to try and get a slam. Grayling, greenback cut, snake river cut, rainbow and hit the Pouder for the brown.
Thanks a ton for naming local secrets.
Funny to see the "anglers are satisfied with putting them back". 500 grayling we're stocked outside Boulder 2 years ago, all were bonked and gone within 2 months.
El Guapo, I'm going to start hot-spotting your favorites.
Artic Grayling are also NATIVE to Montana, but they are also highly threatened
yea dudes nice work name droppin a local fav for some folks here in colorado. hard enough to deal with CDOW makin the vid to begin with.
public water with fish that are there only because of license fees paid by the public ... who gives a rip if the CDOW gives a small piece of information back to the public