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And if you close your eyes and listen to the audio......
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Ow yeah baby.... Ow Yeeeaaaaahhhhhh!
LOL wow if you didnt watch the video and just listen to the audio sounds like a fun time. but that is awesome to catch a goldfish that big.
so that's what happens when you hand one idiot a fishing pole and another idiot a video camera, I always wondered. Don't get me started on the audio, my dogs are still howling. Cool fish though, I would put it in my pond.
That's my long lost sister! I smoke rocks, SHAZAM!
-Tyrone Biggums
too muuuccchhhhh..........................
we stagged a gold fish .... high five!!
Olivia... probably ATE the giant goldfish!
Welcome to Balwmer hon!
I think they snagged it too. Staggin' and snaggin all on the same poor lil fish. mmm.mmm....and it go woooooo - wooooooo!
Reader Comments (9)
Ow yeah baby.... Ow Yeeeaaaaahhhhhh!
LOL wow if you didnt watch the video and just listen to the audio sounds like a fun time. but that is awesome to catch a goldfish that big.
so that's what happens when you hand one idiot a fishing pole and another idiot a video camera, I always wondered. Don't get me started on the audio, my dogs are still howling. Cool fish though, I would put it in my pond.
That's my long lost sister! I smoke rocks, SHAZAM!
-Tyrone Biggums
too muuuccchhhhh..........................
we stagged a gold fish .... high five!!
Olivia... probably ATE the giant goldfish!
Welcome to Balwmer hon!
I think they snagged it too. Staggin' and snaggin all on the same poor lil fish. mmm.mmm....and it go woooooo - wooooooo!