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« April/May 2011 | Main | Pool 32 »

Chum Exclusive! The Peroostermit

The Chum "I" Team has learned of a new species of gamefish, existence of which, (until now) has been a closely guarded industry insider secret. The Peroostermit, which looks like a cross between a permit and a roosterfish, lives only in the secluded bays of Moreau Island, a remote archipelago in Southeast Asia.

According to anonymous sources there is a private lodge on the island open only to members who own an on-line fly fishing magazine. When asked by the I Team if he had ever been to the island, Catch Magazine co-founder Brian O'Keefe had no comment. We were however able to confirm that the entire original cast of Pirates of the Flats has been to the island on numerous occasions. Anonymous sources also told us that there has been an organized effort by the Angling Trade organization to keep the location and fish a secret since there are no more undiscovered cool fish to catch out there. We could not confirm a report that Deeter's Little Red Book of Fly Fishing is actually secret coded directions on how to get to the island.

Due to the recent proliferation of on-line fly fishing magazines, Moreau Club membership has exploded spelling trouble for those trying to keep the Peroostermit a secret. Not only is word leaking leaking out, but so are pictures of what could be the last great undiscovered gamefish. There is even a rumor that a new Felt Soul movie is in the works called, Combover: Running Down the Black Tailed Devils, featuring Smethurst and O'Keefe. Part fishing movie, part buddy movie in the spirit of Hope and Crosby, it follows the two legends on a madcap adventure as they try to find the secret island and the elusive fish.

While working this story we heard rumors of another undiscovered Moreau area species called the Carpon, we'll have a full report next April.

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Reader Comments (5)

do they feed on Mountain Brown Fish?

April 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBig Mike

No more undiscovered fish species. stick to baja and south america boys you got em all.

April 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteryup

Thanks for helping to keep this a secret with this post.

April 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermike b.

It's April already?

April 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commentervillage idiot

Here in Montana, we have a cross between a brown trout and whitefish we call the brownfish.

April 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFlySwinger

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