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Rest in Peace Buddy

I first met Rick Phelps over the phone sometime in 1995. Back then I was answering phones at Kelty in St Louis and Rick called begging for some gear he could auction off to benefit his ski patrol squad. The guy had an uncanny ability to make you laugh and we became fast friends, even though he lived in Portland and I was busy killing my liver in the Midwest. We stayed in touch over the years, talking a couple of times a month on the phone and when I escaped St Louis and moved to Colorado in 97 Rick told me I had to take up fly fishing. At the time I was much more interested in riding my bike and climbing in the Rockies but Rick wouldn't take no for an answer, he was like that, and sent me a 4 weight Orvis rod and reel. I finally brought that rod and reel on a camp out in the Tetons and I somehow managed to hook a small cutty in some pocket water on a Leigh Lake feeder creek. It was my first fish on the fly and the one that hooked me on fly fishing, something that defines me today.

Rick and I continued to stay in touch and when I moved to Seattle to work for Patagonia in 2005 I finally had the chance to meet the man and his family at his home in Portland. He was truly larger than life and despite never actually meeting face to face , it was like getting together with an old childhood friend. Rick was the kindest soul I had ever met along with a heart to match. Since then we chased salmon a couple of times together and Marie and I had a chance to hang with his clan at his log cabin near the Sandy. Whenever my travels took me to Portland I'd try to grab dinner with Rick, his wife Tanya and their kids Hannah and Alex...... which was usually followed by a tour of Rick's whiskey collection. 

About eight months ago I got a call from Rick after he had been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. As always his spirits were strong and doctors were optimistic, but the setbacks came early and with mind numbing consequences. My last conversation with him was a call he made to me from his hospital bed a few days after 18 hours of surgery.  I told him everything was going to be OK but you could hear in his voice that it was battle he was probably not going to win. I promised I would get down to see him but never made it and the news came yesterday that Rick passed away last week.

I guess in some way it makes sense that our unique friendship that started with a phone call was to end with a phone call but I'll never forgive myself for not making the trip to say goodbye to my old friend.

Rest in peace buddy.

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Reader Comments (15)

Definitely heart felt.... The loss of a good friend is a battle to be fought many times in this short life. God Bless

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRW

Forgive yourself, my friend, but never forget. Rick would have wanted it that way. I am truly saddened and sorry for your loss.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFishizzle

Very sorry to hear about the loss of your freind. I lost a similar mentor to cancer a few years ago and was also gone and away when he left. I try to act as he would have wanted to me too so that I respect his legacy.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkyka1865

It is the way it happens some times. But in the future maybe everytime you tie on, step in some promising waters, you'll celebrate his passing in a way. Maybe see the river in a different light and appreciate how much we must enjoy, in the uncertain time we have. Get the most out of it.

The gift he gave you was friendship and turned you on to a most rewarding life experience.

In his memory ... pass it on.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMangrove

Just remember its more important to celebrate one's memory and time together rather than dwell on the sadness of his passing. In the end he will continue to make you smile and always be with your spirit. Accept my family's warmest condolences and best wishes.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCraig

An excellent eulogy for an obviously excellent person. Remember the good times. With condolences.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMG

"The gift he gave you was friendship and turned you on to a most rewarding life experience.

In his memory ... pass it on."

Second that... well said Mangrove.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDave

To Rick!

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterchaveecha

if there is one thing i learned about losing ones close to you----you can't stop them from leaving, so see them before they go.....i have been in the same position trying to get to the place were my loved ones lie on their death bed, and i was too busy.....i should never be too busy

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterike

Sorry to hear this, man.

Makes me want to tell all my buddies right now---that if their number gets called before me, I will always take a minute or two at the prettiest spot on the river and send out the karma to them in tribute.

That way, they know that this will happen if they realize their number is coming up. Sometimes, though, its sudden and unexpected; but either way they can live on through me in some miniscule earthly way.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterspeyday

R.I.P. Rick.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHillary Clinton

Nice to see some content you actually made for a change. Though a sad story I find it compelling.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterZach

Sorry to hear it, as said above, next time when you are out think of him and smile.

Great pic, a big smile and a bent rod!

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEli E

sorry for your loss, thanks for sharing.

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJED

It's tough, we all have lost relatives and friends along the way. Nobody makes it out of life alive. However, your remembrance of your good buddy and the time spent shall sustain you. Keep him in your heart and remind yourself that he thought of you as a wonderful friend....

February 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJJZ

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