An Eye for Steelhead

A Fly Fisherman's Monologue.
Filmed on the Cowlitz River, Deschutes River, Grande Ronde River, and North Umpqua River.
fly fishing video,
jeff layton,
steelhead in
Film and Video

Reader Comments (20)
Dude, you'e blowing my mind!
2005 called it wants it's crappy windows graphics back............. get the water spots off the camera as well
This is making me want to go steel head fishing. NOW!! I like video. And the general tone. more please....5:02
There's a lot of words that come to mind when watching this video. . .Creepy is just one of them. Would be pretty nice if it wasn't for the freaky eye and the guy talking all the time.
Ummmmm. Why the hell is that talking head up in the left corner? And is that a computer voice or a dude? Maybe its just me but people are trying a little too hard on these videos. The video would have been fine without the eyeball and the freaky mouth. Next time just film the fish porn and leave the other nonsense out.
Some shots, especially from point of view of the angler. I am no critic but the monologue at the beginning was very mono tone, could've been in words on the screen instead? i got confused once the brain and everything going on...i would consider to just use the "KISS' theory, keep it simple stanley/stupid, more point of view shots, fish porn, casting porn, less of that intro song (over used), less acid trip mind blowing shit. i dont know, just my person option.
is this a joke? no really is it? what's with the brain? it is so wierd, i am so confused.
The Starship Enterprise called... It wants Captain Kirk back.
I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
someone has got to stop these old guys from making flyfishing videos... 30 secs of decent footage turned into an 8 min movie
Ditto wantsquality's comments above. This video makes me think the producers used the same technology Dire Straits did in 1986 for their "Money for Nothing" video... Come on guys, you can do better.
I won't waste any more of my time on this video in the typing of a detailed critique. But if you're into clumsily shot and edited home video with heavy-handed, hackneyed steelhead philosophising voice-over, then by all means squander your time by clicking the play button.
1) The XX has other songs.
2) Behind the ripple transitions, breaking glass transitions, floating mouth, crappy electricity image overlays on a brain, weird narration, and upclose eye shots, there are some good fly fishing shots.
Prior to this "film" I used to love to chase steel on the fly. Now I have a hankering to play lawn darts. Might even have to Ebay my two-handers.
Absolutely appalling video editing!! Some okay shots but overall this video was more creepy then good. Just because your video edit software has tons of graphics does not mean you should use every single one.
cult classic
insane in the membrane
That sucked-
Interesting video - very different and entertaining. Makes me want to go fishing. I watched the entire movie (bought it) and it gets a lot better than this. I talked to the creator, Jeff Layton on the river, and he said this was an experiment to look at making a movie differently, and from the minds eye, but also be humorous about it and unique. He said that he made the movie for himself and it is more like a sketch, that a drawing. Love it or Hate it - you won't forget it. Rock on!