Nov. SOTM Entry: MT Brown
Monday, November 21, 2011 at 12:00AM
As you can imagine, we've had quite a few Brown submissions this month - most don't make the cut. Doug McKnight's Montana fish is an exception.
tagged Fly Fishing, brown trout, montana, slab of month in Contests
Reader Comments (20)
Those are some big hands...actually bigger than your head!
Was he on a red when you were sight fishing to it in knee deep water? Nice fish
Doug "The Stud" "Freshy" McKnight
Nice Blue Cheek Doug! Love the coloring, and while some will judge you for holding out the fish. You can always know how big a fish is by it's adipose fin. That for sure is a slab! Well done!
D Fresh!! Nice work you streamer yank'n sicko!
Nice fish. Ignore the usual assclown detractors.
Huge hands, odd hand shape, poor copying around the snout and fins, errant pixels, ain't Photoshop fun?
I love how all the people automatically assume it was caught off of a red. or people bitching about how close it is to the camera. Very nice fish doug. Most people will hate because they will NEVER catch a fish that big!
go on, where was it? Land O giants?
Seriously, why are 97% of the comments on this freaking website all debbie downers? What happened to this sport?? I am sure I don't want to know 97% of you. I'm not sure if this MC is worth going to anymore.
Awesome fish man! Congratulations! Hold it however you want, that is a fish of a lifetime.
"Huge hands, odd hand shape, poor copying around the snout and fins, errant pixels, ain't Photoshop fun?"
...this has to be a joke, what an idiot...please be a joke
Dougie fresh with another slabby. way to go. you've got my vote.
What is up with all these nincompoops crying "Photoshop!" just because other guys are catching fish they can only dream of? What is about the internet that causes these anonymous puss-pansies to want to play keyboard commando?
"Lucky", you are a turd smoker. Go photoshop some balls on your crotch.
I drove right past that river yesterday with my wife on the way to the hot springs. Shame on me for not leaving her there and swinging a few streamers.
Nice work McFresh. Couldn't of happened to better dude, even if you did catch it on a pink power worm tipped with a chartreuse grub on the end of a 9'6" bait caster. Well done indeed.
thats a MT brown and a half, and anyone who thinks otherwise should probably find a new hobby cause that fish is what this sport is about. Hell Yeah Doug, i am nothing but jealous and stoked for you!
Take it from someone who has landed a few hundred browns in this class in the Great Lakes region. This one, wild fish caught in a montana river leaves me gasping for air. Nice work, Doug! And yes, you need to hold it out "slob effect" style so the rest of us can get a good luck.
Great fish man! It's not his fault he knows how to properly hold a fish. hahahaha. That is a pig from any angle. Photoshop, really? Who are these jokers. Great fish. wow. You deserve the win.
Nice fish Doug! Congratulations.
"Huge hands, odd hand shape, poor copying around the snout and fins, errant pixels, ain't Photoshop fun?"
-such a f#@$'n loser. Nice fish.