Sandy River Steelhead Need Your Help

Over the past decade, The City of Portland, PGE, Western Rivers Conservancy and The Freshwater Trust and dozens of other groups have spent over $75 million towards Sandy River habitat restoration for the purpose of recovering wild fish. Throughout this restoration, the ODFW has made no attempt at reigning in their harmful Sandy hatchery programs, imperiling our wild fish.
In just a few minutes, you can help the cause by sounding off here
Read more about this in its entirety at Whitefish Can't Jump
sandy river,
steelhead in
fly fishing

Reader Comments (4)
signed and sent off to ODFW. I would urge all chumists to do the same as it is important that ODFW hear from a large number of concerned anglers.
Eh dont sign less fishing opportunities... :(
Dun and dun. Thanks to WFCJ and my fellow Chum'z for the heads up. I will link this back to the Stump and surrounding for review and more action.
It's not about less fishing opportunities, it's about maintaining worthwhile fishing opportunities for real, wild fish that depend on large areas of healthy spawning habitat (ie the non-concrete pond variety). Those are slowly disappearing as people forget what a healthy river is supposed to look like. If the fishing opportunities you're talking about include drifting bobbers and eggs for inferior, maladapted fish that were mass-spawned in a concrete pond in a fucked up river, then by all means don't sign the petition because you're already to numb to know the difference.