Sept. Slab of the month entry: Idaho Brown

Dr. Garrick Lo, of Seattle - on the mouse. Idahoooo giveth another slab of the month!
brown trout,
slab of the month in

Dr. Garrick Lo, of Seattle - on the mouse. Idahoooo giveth another slab of the month!
Reader Comments (17)
awesome, never stop murdering.
you da pimp, idaho
Respect. Thats a bruiser!
Big browns are totally played.
Nice fish!
Mouse??? looks like a half cut hotdog tied onto a feather...
kidding. GREAT brown!
Has that fish thawed yet? Judging from the color or lack thereof I'd say it spent no less than 30 mins in the ice chest. Guess as long as the salmonoid meets the criteria of being caught in the northwest & is of moderately large size, it gets posted.?. Whether it is alive or not. Really... SOM? You guys are spending way to much time on you computers. On a dry... Worthy! At night dragging foam and fur? Please.
Dear Ron, take your Salmo trutta hating and move along. We all know about your secret envy issues.
Big bad brown on the mouse, nice work!
Considering it's night time and the picture is a little blown out because of the camera flash I don't really think anyone should be judging. Clearly it's a great catch... people get so bloody jealous on this site it's unbelievable.
They don't get much nicer than that brown.
Ever been to ID Ron? Depending on diet and time of year, fish change colors. insert foot in mouth, or cock. you seem like a cock guy. forget your purist dryfly bull shit
now that is some lo down dirty brown town
great fish!
the initial take must have been a heart stopper...
This one is for you, good job, Garrick!
On the dry!!!!!
I took that pic, and trust me that thing sure wasn't frozen. In fact, it didn't fit in my big boat net, and we had to re-net it after it flopped out the first time. Garrick is a big brown trout catching monster, and Ron should be jealous. :-) The strike sounded like the fish had eaten a muskrat, rather than my poor, ugly, hot dog-looking excuse for a mouse pattern.
That's one nice fish. It is like one of life's treasures to fight the fish, and you won the battle! There is nothing more exciting than that hit, the draw back and then it's play time. I live in East Tennessee, where there are big trout and good eating trout. I never had a bite of trout I did not fall in love with. I have caught some 20" plus . I am from East Tennessee, and have fished the Watauga, Nolichuckey, and the Holston most of my life. The largest brown I caught was 23" inches and weighed 7.2lbs. I ended up putting him in a smoker, and fed 8 people. what was left of him I mixed with various cheeses and made a pecan smoked trout cheese ball. It was as cousin Eddie in Christmas vacation would say, "mmmmmm, that some good stuff, Clark, why don't you load me up again." Look up on you tube, Cherry Grove Shark Buster, and that's me catching a Lemon Shark, as some would call spinners. I had a fedora , and a Superman shirt on in a pair of swim shorts. I caught this 70 lb. guy by the tail believe it or not. It's AKA Preston Burke. Look it up! However I've never landed the "Big Brown", that I've spent my 38 years trying to! That is one nice fish you got there! I use fresh rainbow eggs and I've netted them treble hooked them, but yet I have not caught the Capone! If you have any feedback please email me and let me know. Thanks so much, Preston