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I thought it was a pretty good fish, until a slightly disappointed Itu informed me it was "just a baby"

An update from Carl McNeil and the Itu's Bones film project.

Three times I've asked Itu what an average size Bonefish on Aitutaki would weigh - he keeps telling me 15kg (33lb), I'll keep asking...

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    Response: dispeed
    Fly Fishing | Blog | Photos | Podcasts | Travel | Gear | and More - Moldy Chum - I thought it was a pretty good fish, until a slightly disappointed Itu informed me it was "just a baby"

Reader Comments (1)

33 pounds? Naw... Can't be. I always thought bonefish were about the size of a trout.

July 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWilliam @ AnglerWise

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