Running Down the Quotes

Chris Santella writes a story about fly fishing for rooster's in which an Oregon guide snipes the classic line from Running Down the Man.
“Though they’re very fast and strong fighters, the greatest appeal roosterfish have is their appearance,” said Jad Donaldson, a fly-fishing guide from Oregon who leads trips to Baja. “Roosters are exotic, even sexy — and I don’t often use that word to describe fish. They’re the Liz Hurley of sportfish, as far as I’m concerned.”
LINK (Via:The NY Times)

Fly Fishing,
salt water fly fishing in

Reader Comments (7)
nice tiith.
"Last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it!"
"I think we'll need a bigger Botox".
Yeah, that's not the sexiest photo of Elizabeth Hurley, but it might be the most fish-like.
jeesh i think we can give roosters a bit more credit then that cant we
Oh boy so this is what Miley Cyrus gonna look like in a few years!
OMG AC Fell out of my chair at the office