The Second McKenzie Brothers Reference this Week

Casey, and future Patagonia fly fishing ambassador, Aiden Sheahan go BC salmon fishin to the hits of the 60's and 70's

Casey, and future Patagonia fly fishing ambassador, Aiden Sheahan go BC salmon fishin to the hits of the 60's and 70's
Reader Comments (11)
I'm thinking it's pretty stupid ...
not worthy of the reference,eh.
does he make money with this?
+1 for gear shots! Better than nervous water, but thats not saying much...
silly and sillier, what a waste of time.
Absolutely fuckin stupid. Tomatoes on spinning gear, bad gangster shit, the one and only spey cast in the whole video was the shittiest double I've ever seen. Pretty sure I saw a centrepin too. Big Gay Al has a fucking hug in with a 40lb springer. Hope they ate it. More fuckin money got spent on clothing than gear to make that sucker. And about a minute of some tool hitting a reel with a rod case. Jesus. What a bunch of retards. Stay in america, it's no wonder we need the AMP.
This made my hangover a little worse. Yea for imovie and fisheye lenses!
What a bunch of tools? I dig the bandana wanksta style.
stick to jibbing rails brah. fly fishing doesnt need you
Daddy can you fund my fishing trip, I'll wear all kinds of cool gear it will be the only time I use it. I dont care Daddy bought it for me anyway!!! Maybe we will film it. Maybe you fucken fags should go back to your rich ass lives stick those fucken fishing poles up your ass and play video games...
"What a bunch of sorry ass mother fuckers"
that was awful, what a wate of time