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The Definition of Insanity?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Obama administration has made no major changes to a plan to protect endangered wild salmon runs in the Columbia River Basin, dismaying salmon advocates who say they expected more.

LINK (Via: The AP)

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Reader Comments (13)

I suggest somebody gives these folks a copy of the book Salmon Nation! This is a fish that so many other living organisms depend on to live. Without help salmon will become an aquatic version of the mighty buffalo - a wild fond memory of what was. I thought I read somewhere when Obama was taken on a guided fly fishing trip that he promised to change some of the manmade barriers/dams for fish - like many politicians he told us what we wanted to hear and failed on his follow through!

May 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKodiakJack

no really. probably would have killed us too. On a national level, with wars (started by bush) a shitty economy (Again, Bush), and countless other issues, i am guessing that salmon aren't #1 on Obamas list of priorities at the moment. How about the state tries to do more, or you or whomever. Don't point the finger at the black guy.

hmm...does this have anything to do with the BLACK guy?...the nation has a lot on it's plate, I will give you that...but if a promise was made, (which I have no idea if it was) it should be followed through with...a promise broken is a promise broken...we all know politcians will tell you what you want to hear just to get (re)elected and paid. Don't give me that balck guy bullshit

relax nut licker. it was a joke. everyone wants to blame Obama for everything. just pointing out that he inherited quite a mess

May 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercalm down

from a kenyan / indonesian pseudo muslim socialist mulatto

May 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWaddya expect.


May 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterasshole

What a bunch of crap. It's Obama's plan now and he gets to own it.

Nobody should give a president such a weak pass as you fan boys are trying to do here. In the campaign he made the promise, said he understood the issues and said he'd make positive changes. As soon as you decide to hold him accountable for his actions he'll have to follow through.

May 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike

...color me "not surprised"

May 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdeerhawk

I wasn't trying to start some shit about the race of our president, nor do I care about what political party he represents. I understand that salmon is probably low on his to-do list but low hanging fruit is still low hanging fruit - tap your Secretary for the Department of the Interior (parent for United States Fish and Wildlife Service) to work with senators from NorthWest States to come up with something. You act like he sits behind a desk and masterminds everything! LOL - how naive is that! At least with a follow through on this issue his administration has done something positive. And blaming everything on Bush is weak. As a member of our military I can remember the half-ass promises of Obama promising to get us out of Iraq -- we (the military) knew it would not be that easy to just pack up and walk away. Obama's color of his skin never caused me to pause, it was his naive understanding of the world that perplexed me. I still ended up voting for the man as I didn't see McCain being very viable. I am sure you are already a subscriber but in case you are not - some easy reading for you:

May 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKodiakJack

Fact is the US is far behind other countries creating hydro electric power. Expect more dams in the future and less coal burning power plants.

May 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHillary Clinton

At least there is a fish-ladder next to the dam damn.

May 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSuckit

Classic blame it on Bush cuz Obama sucks ass. Where's the change fockers?

May 24, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter50 cal.

that fish ladder is so useless compared to the historic passage the salmon and steelhead used to have---that columbia is so damn wide,like a mile or so.....that ladder is only 12 feet across---but nobody with power gives a shit about a pea brained animal that supposedly is only good for fisherman,

May 24, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterike

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