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Here we go again


Biologist Victoria Braithwaite explores the question of fish pain and fish suffering, explaining what science can now tell us about fish behavior, and examining the related ethical questions about how we should treat these animals.

She concludes that scientific evidence suggests that we should widen to fish the protection currently given to birds and animals.


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Reader Comments (32)

When were protecting fish #'s it is the same as we do with birds & deer. PETA is just a bunch of Communist Liberal homsexuals. These people don't even do 1/4 for the enviorment what the hunter & fishermen do. That includes the inner city kid down at the city park catching carp. I really am not sure if they feel pain. There supposedt to be dragged out of the water for food & enjoyment. With propper management of course.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMoose

You dumbass. PETA didn't write that book. A fish biologist did. God I fucking HATE it when some jackass goes off and starts yapping about Liberal PETA morons. Grow up, open your goddamn eyes you ignorant redneck POS. We're not talking about management. We're talking about ethics. Obviously, fish feel pain. The stress response proves it. Without a shadow of a doubt. It would blow the minds of you people in the south to know that CATCH AND RELEASE fishing is considered extremely unethical here in the north. The First nation groups here get physically aggravated when they see southern type hero shots, posing with fish, C&R. It's disrespectful! And they're right! What right do we have to torture fish for our pleasure? You dipshits have convinced yourself you're doing the fish some good by ripping a hook through its face then giving it a kiss and letting it go. Bullshit! You're only brainwashing yourselves! At least have the common sense to realize what you're doing is cruel and you have to live with it. I love to fish, I love to C&R fish. I realize it's cruel. I realize that fish fucking hates me and everything I stand for. If that fish could kill me, he would. The science doesn't lie. Fish feel pain, which causes a visible, measurable stress response. Like everyone else, I'll settle that issue with whatever maker I'm sent to. But you better have a better god damn excuse that 'those commie liberal homosexuals are fuckin liars!'

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkm

Who cares?

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBig Mike

The thing that I thought everyone who visited this site had in common was a passion for fishing. I always try to be a good steward of the resource when fishing. That means leaving the river in better condition than I found it, fishing with barbless hooks (most of the time) and practicing catch and release. However, there are some who will use this type of study to attack both the commercial and recreational fisherman. This will mean greater regulation on recreational fishing, higher taxes and yes a reduction in access to public waters for fishing. All anglers need to be prepared to push back when the sport we love comes under attack. Even when that attack comes from those who espouse our political beliefs we need to let our voices be heard.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTim S.

Yeah, who cares. Stick um and rip um....

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJG

km- Fish feel pain Boo Hoo!!! why are you fishing then. This fish pain thing ia Peta response. Get off the river/ Fish don't give a DAM about your EMOTION's. Go phone a friend & talk about your feelings to sombody who cares. Dam Pansy idiot!!!!

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMoose

It seems to be the fish view it as a sport as well. C. Runcutt, an underwater marine sport superstar who specializes in "humaning" shared his views on the debate stating:

"I love this game. For me its like, Oh, there's another one of those dumbass imitation insects/baitfish with a hook that has the barb pinched down. I grab it and then play tug of war. If I don't win fairly easily (as often happens, that shit just stops pulling and I'm stuck with the stupid hook and some string hanging out my mouth for a week or two), I'll get some physical fitness by jumping and or shaking my head thereby dislodging the barbless hook. If that shit doesn't work and I actually lose, hopefully I'll get let go. If not, and I screwed up by grabbing that hunk of metal or plastic or organic material with the stainless steel antennae sticking out, that's my own damn fault. At least I'll know I sacrificed myself for the love of the game. I mean driving a car is more dangerous than being a fish. Tackle football, hockey, mountain/BMX biking, skydiving. Now that shit REALLY hurts if something goes wrong. Could get you killed as well. I love humaning. I'm a badass fish and I understand the risks. If I gotta go, I want to go out fighting, not belly up or as dogfish snacks which is a legitimate possibilty. See you on the beach or in hell you sonsabitches."

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJames


Why do you assume that "Moose" is a "redneck" and from "the south?" Very narrow minded. There are rednecks from all parts of the country and yes, I have travelled most of it. Leave your stereotypes, predjudices and insults off of the internet. No one wants to see it. Your probably a racist as well...jerk.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDDG

So KM let me get this straight you fucking bigot, catch and release is unethical but you do it. Fishing is wrong because they feel pain but you do it and are fine with it. People from the south are ignorant redneck POS's, but you aren't. People who take pictures of fish are wrong but you troll this great fish porn site. Looks to me like you are the only dumbass here. Catch em til you die and let em go to catch again.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterling fling

Catch and release is extremely unethical to some groups of people. it's with reference to animism and respecting your food. You don't 'play with' your food. You catch it, and kill it respectfully. not humiliate it by releasing it. The guy has a point. I've been to places where he's talking about, and he's not talking about 'the south' as in Louisiana. You yanks are always so fixated on yourself. In this case, 'the south' could apply to Edmonton. Or places where 'fish' are still treated as a traditional food resource and not some form of entertainment. I, like the other km, will make my peace after this life. I sure hope God isn't a fish. Cause we're all in for it if he is.

Catch and release has proven to have higher mortality rates then 1st thought. But I think that in light of the Yellowstone monster brown on SOTM that had been caught and released a year earlier catch and release has it's merits. I do take offense to those who stereotype PETA as "Communist Liberal Homosexuals". They are indeed very far Left. No further out of center than Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell, I take neither serious far right or far left. I see most of the posts previously as reactionary trash. I'm going to go piss and moan on the Drake Forum now........idiots

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWestern MA Democrat

Ironic isn't it? Or is it?

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJames

Since when did communists give two shits about protecting fish rights?

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD.B.

fish have about as much rights as gay people = zero

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter'Prognosis Negative'

for all of the guys that dont care, i want to stick and rip you in the face and fillet you...bastards.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTrayhanz

as I can only glean from his name, moose, is not from the south. i'm sorry KM that shit is gay! to simply call someone a "red neck" from the south because they cannot support PETA bullshit, let alone another quasi-scientific article about fish feelings... the fact of the matter is we that chuck feathers are the stewards of our rivers and marshes. nobody cares more about the health of these ecosystems then we. so for you to come in here with the BS you spew... if you believe what you you say, grab a yoga mat, salute some namaste shit and stop fishing. we could all use one less ass hole out on the water. besides if you feel guilty after your done on the water it's not for you!

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter2hi2fly

anyone else feel like every time you rip a lip you teach them a lesson? that's called tough love in my family

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter2hi2fly

Pain or not, PETA loves this stuff. And they wouldn't hesitate shutting down our fisheries. And I do agree with the first comment in that protecting fish numbers is just as well as any protection offered to birds, and mammals. And try not to get so butt hurt when someone has a different opinion, fish or don't fish. I know how to handle fish, and yes we take kick ass pictures of them as well. But we take all precautions to make sure when that fish leaves our hands, it does so on it's power.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

I like the way you think 2hi2fly. It seems to me that we have a closet PETA member in our presence, if they only knew he tortured fish????

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

PETA has NO legitimate power to shut down fisheries. fringe at best, would I describe their capabilities as an organization. they flounder with documentaries that expose the atrocities of production animal farming, 3rd world fur trade, and clubbing baby seals for sashimi. they have nothing on our culture nor our propensity to protect the resources that are dear to our pursuits. EAT IT!

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter2hi2fly

Ok so what if its true fish feel pain and all and 1 in 10 C&R fish will die but how many die when a PETA member flushes the toilet or drives their car why is it you never hear of PETA trying to stop Gas Drilling isnt poisioning fish and letting them go to waste "unethical" If you think its wrong dont do it but dont tell me I can't.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWT Bash

Funny this debate/squabbling should arise today. Earlier today I had the river all to my lonesome self, and fishing was spectacular. After catching a dozen or so brownies, and a few whitefish, I began pondering how they all behaved after being hooked. The larger browns (18"-22") fought hard, made some vigorous runs, but after 3-5 minutes, they would submit, as though they realized they had lost, knew the drill, and were ready to be released or bonked...once in hand these fish were in hand, they allowed me to remove the hook with little fuss. The smaller fish (10-16") were able to be hauled in pretty quickly, but behaved as though the C & R drill was unbeknownst to them, and would thrash violently once in hand. I thought that some fish experienced sheer terror, while others may revel in the opportunity to test their mettle, or some combination of the two...

This experience was a private, internal conversation, with no drama, no liberal or homosexual denouncing, and only swirling tails, the bend of my rod, and subdued fish influencing my mind's wanderings.

It doesn't hurt to think guys.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSalvelinus

My leg has a bone in it.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBlah


You are welcome to give it a shot. My guess is that you would not be very succesful with myself or anyone else posting on here.

This is after all a Fly Fishing site. You don't see any of us going to tree hugging sites and threatining them do you?


May 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJG

hey guys!
Big Gulps eh?
Alright, see ya later!

May 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commentervarna

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