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Fish Schtick Podcast Episode 36 – Brian O’Keefe and Todd Moen

Brian O’Keefe has fly fished all over the world for 30 years, for 20 of those as a professional photographer as well. He’s had a career as a fly fishing rep, he’s won a bunch of fly casting competitions, created and been featured in a ton of cool fly fishing videos and films. He’s had a cover shot on every magazine you like to read and he’s caught legendary fish everywhere you’ve dreamt of fishing.

And that was just half of the show.

Pair him up with Todd Moen, and you’ve got the duo who brings us Catch Magazine every month. His companies, Flyline Films and Spirit River Studios, combine to create video-enhanced websites that glue us to the screen. He’s shot for ESPN’s Fly Fishing the World series, the CBS Primal Quest adventure race, LLBean’s Guide to the Outdoors and a bunch more. He’s been at it for 15 years, so he’s covered the globe, seen amazing things, and captured them on film to share with the likes of us.

LINK (Via: Mauro Media)

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