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"They are digging up the Bonefish Pond national park. It's going to change everything in here."

Bonefish guides Clint Kemp and Aaron Bain of Secret Soul Fly Fishing Adventures are accusing developers responsible for ripping out acres of mangroves and digging canals of environmental terrorism.

LINK (Via:The Tribune)

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Reader Comments (2)

That is sad. Seems like everyone is having problems with the fish they love and something threatening that fish or body of water that the fish need. In my case it's the threat of vhs virus which is already in and asian carp coming into the great lakes. Then u have the over abundant sea lice up in BC. Hope to hear some good news in the future rather than all this bad news.

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercseverin&2

It is very sad but virtually every aquatic natural resource is being threatened by human infulence. From feminization of bass in rivers to didymo in streams to mycobacteria in stripers in the chesapeake, my home area (Wash., DC area) is a prime example of how bad it is really getting. Diversion of river flow out west, diseases from fish farming, everywhere you go you see it. We simply destroy every place we settle. The only places that are unspoiled are those where humans don't live.

I clearly don't have the answers on how to stop it but if something doesn't change many of our fisheries and ecosystems will simply collapse. No ecosystem can sustain decades or centuries of abuse. That being said, the earth goes through cycles, and many times in it's history it has been in states much more toxic and severe than anything mankind could create. It can and will rebound. Even if it takes until after our species is wiped out by an asteroid or other extinction event and a million years later the earth normalizes, eventually earth will rebound again in it's fully newfound glory as it has before. It's just a shame that as a species we are so destructive and cannot figure out how to coexist with our own environment.

March 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFishnTerp

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