One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Boooooo Fish

Jon Stewart takes on the water politics of the California Delta.

delta smelt,
the daily show

Jon Stewart takes on the water politics of the California Delta.
Reader Comments (5)
Awesomely funny and equally sad.
Yeah, a government bailout that happened in the 30's is relative to todays issue...riggghhht. How about we try and help the people that grow our food?
I think the term is irony DDG. Are you some sort of Vulcan? Nope just a dope............
piss off
The issue here isn't that there was a government bailout, however we all may feel about that, but rather, that Sean Hannity is a pretentious douche who will warp anything into a non-logic based argument against whatever it is that will piss his viewers off the most.
Healthy fisheries benefit us all: as consumers, producers, or fishermen. Agriculture benefits us all. We need to find a healthy balance between agricultural production, commercial fishing, and preserving our natural ecosystems. Yelling loudly and getting upset about things before thinking about them gets us no where and detracts from productive discussion.
Sean Hannity, you are a douche.