What fly shops will never tell you...
photo courtesy of Lateral Line
Sent to us by Street at Bloodknot.net - this list of fly shop customer descriptions is pretty much spot on and will get a wader soiling laugh out of most of us...
Mr. WILLY BUGGER. (Male, 45 to 65) This customer usually gets dropped off by his wife before she goes grocery shopping. He keeps his elbows firmly planted on the counter, likes to be involved in all conversations—been there, done that—plays with the drag on all the fly reels and buys nothing. ANNUAL FISHING DAYS = 4.
KID HACKLE. (Male or female, 7 to 17) The future of fly fishing. This keen youngster can probably cast their whole fly line. Extremely dangerous: they’ll ride over 20 miles on bicycle to fishing grounds and know about the latest fly-tying materials before the shops do. Mother will buy waders and boots two sizes too big. ANNUAL FISHING DAYS = 90.
Reader Comments (3)
Ha! That is freakin' hilarious... even if I do fit the description of on of the characters! Classic.
Hey, thats me in the picture.... Sad story, but that fly shop closed this past winter and I still have a few feet of line left on the reel. Good post.
The sad news, I used to be Kid Hackle. Now I'm somewhere between Mr. Willy Bugger and Mr. Shop Guy, leaning toward Gary, except I do tie.