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The Waters of Greenstone

Well done down under goodness!

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Reader Comments (16)

the first image looks like a railway station on the upper Mataura...
awesome trailer !

February 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbenoit

Well Done!...carry on

February 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdeerhawk

Looks pretty awesome.

February 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSean

Thats funny, i fished the Greenstone last month and didn't have to ice climb to get to any of the holes
other than that pretty dope

February 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterballs

Way to go with the pretentious intro. Very telling to truth behind these kinds of adventure videos.

Here my suggestion for a title:

Rich Young White Kids Go On An Expensive Adventure And Make Video To Show Off To Other Rich Young White Kids

Who is next? Which "crew"? Which "scene"? Which "clave"?

How about all you young folks go fishing without a camera and see what this pastime is really all about!

February 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEnlightened.....

this is a step above most fishing vids, it's still rad despite the cheesey intro. i'm afraid a couple commentors are a little bitter

February 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfishlive

Enlightened - why so bitter dude? All my friends are just like these guys and we're far from trust fund babies. Every new generation has nuances of their own, but the foundation, the philosophy, the spirit and the passion never change (despite the technology and clothing lables). Lighten up a bit and appreciate all of us in the "brotherhood," even if their style is different. Focus your angst towards those who want fishing banned like PETA, or those who willingly destroy the habitat that we all love. This is a great vid. The end.

February 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSeth

couldnt agree with seth more....elightened seems jealous...can ya blame that
that vid was sweet.

February 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTG

Enlightened, sorry you are stuck fishing for bluegill in your local construction drainage pool.

Nice video. Wish I was there.

February 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSean

I think Enlightened is jealous. What fun he sees in the video of boys on vacation, splashing in the water, rolling in the snow, and signing to each other by a campfire. And the fishing... with all those big trout... oh the symbolism. He is frustrated, knows he is frustrated, but keeps watching these videos over and over again.

Swiss Tony understands. I have not chosen that path in life, as I like the beutiful women, but I understand. This is why I both love and hate For me, I love the beutiful women with the fish. For Enlightened, I think he likes the boys.

February 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSwiss Tony


You guys think I am jealous and gay?

I should have guessed that would be how the responses would come out this be the internet and all.

I am not the one talking about the "brotherhood" and all that. Sounds gayer than gay to me.

I will stick by my assertion that almost all these videos are thinly veiled forms of bragging put together by rich kids who fish for notoriety. This is exactly what the "brotherhood" does not need.

Remember, "rich" is all relative. Just because you don't act rich, drive expensive cars, and wear gold watches, doesn't mean you aren't rich. If you can go to NZ and have all that nice gear, rent a car, video everything, you are rich.

All the young rich guys I see act like hippie rats these days. That is worse than acting rich when you aren't.

Just please go fishing by yourself sometime without a camera. If you can't have a good time, which I suspect will be the case, than you are probably jealous and gay. ;)

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEnlightened.....

Hmm Enlightened you actual can do that stuff and not be rich, actually with working minimum wage saving your money you could do a trip like that rather easy. I am in college with more debt than i hope to ever have for the rest of my life, but as soon i as i am done I plan to travel around fishing for every fish i can. Just because you are afraid to spend your savings on what may not be the best "life desicion" but instead make the most of life while you got it doesn't mean you should hate. Who cares if you have some pics to brag about or movie those are memories and i am more than happy to watch listen. I took a young lady out steelhead fishing for the first time the other week and she caught her first, a 36 inch wild hen, we both forgot cameras, yes bummer but she had a ball and can't wait to go agian. I think your philosphy is a little fucked maybe.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLogan

Nice post Logan.

You guys saying live it up while you can are all right. I completely feel you.

My post was simply intended for those that go fishing with all your cameras and video equipment.

I see it more and more out on the rivers and it is just so silly looking to me......

Living it up while you can is all a matter of perspective.

For example:

How about spending all that money on a fly rod for your dad and buying both of you a great trip to somewhere closer? You won't regret it and your dad will have a higher high than any video ever can achieve.

That is what fishing is all about. NOT fancy videos.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEnlightened.....

awesome! what an adventure, way to go out there and live it up! and such a fun trailer, keep up the good work.

March 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkirby

ps enlightened- you shouldn't be jealous, but happy for these boys that have taken this opportunity to do something really cool with their time, an obvious passion of theirs.

March 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkirby

Why do you watch fly fishing videos in the first place if all you're going to do preach about how people should not fish with a camera. The reason we watch these videos is for entertainment. This is not some video made for bragging rights. I imagine that a project like this took a tremendous amount of time and thought, not to mention passion, to develop- far greater lengths than a lowely braggart would take to impress his friends. Videos like this, especially of this caliber, are made to inspire people to fly fish, not to show off. It has certainly inspired me to fish and travel more.

March 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGriffin

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