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February Slab of the Month - Rio Gallegos Seatrout Part Deux

Fernanda Villagra landed her first seatrout after getting some casting instructions from Loop Pro Staffer Claudio Martin. Bonus points for showing some emotion.

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Reader Comments (17)

i dont think anyone can compete with these monsters coming from the way deep south thumbs up

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered

I prefer her to the Friday pinup. The lady is beautiful too.

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVaderHater

This waters in Gallegos is only for clients of a lodge, are private waters!!!! This is against the Argentine Civil Code. Argentine fishermen can not fish here, the prices are so foreign to fish only. This is a place in any argentine angler could fish and is not so!!!! This is unfair to native fishermen.

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterErnesto Guevara

Wow only took two post before some f*ckstick sh!t on her parade.
With a name like Fernanda Villagra she can't be local at all.Cleveland Maybe?

PS I booked my flight so I can go do her.

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTiger Woods

Love to see people so obviously jacked about what they caught. Great picture!

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike Schmidt

Bravo Fernanda!

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdeerhawk


Thank you for pointing this out. I got reamed when I mentioned it on another pic.. Nice fish but who gives a fuck. I mean you fuckers will rip someone a new asshole on here if they post a slab of the month picture from a private water based in the US. So what the fuck is the difference. Personally I could care less, but its obvious they are on Loops premo private sections. Say what you want about locals allowed to do this and that. I have been down South and I know how it works. Yeah you can access some water, but quite acting like you done something special with these fish.

Now if it was someone other than the Loop crew and their knob slobbing followers posting a fish, they sure as hell wouldn't post the location, because they worked their balls off to catch the fish and to access the land. And that would truely be a SOTM entry that no one would argue.

So hey call me what you want, rationalize all you want by saying I don't know shit about down there. Especially those who are down on Loops Dime. I really don't give a fuck its my opinion and that fish should count for SOTM.

Oh but the chick is hot.. but thats it...

Jus Say'in

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSlab

Ditto, gang.

Great fish. Glad to see someone psyched about it! Beautiful woman.

Sitting around congratulating the success of privatizing rivers... weak.

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSlint

Great fish and a great smile.

Is this the new Socialist Republic of the United States? What ever happened to the American dream? Work hard, make money, travel, enjoy your life. My dream wasn’t to succeed in life and then grab a can of beans, my only fly rod and hitch hike to some public waters so I could stand side by side and drift bead heads for lake run brown trout. Some of you guys seem to hate anybody who is fishing water that you can’t.

I have not fished the Loop operation, but I’ve been to Bella Vista 4 times, which is up river some 50k. A great operation and yes it has private waters, but then again most of the waters along the Rio Gallegos has always been privately owned estancia’s, with access provided by foot only. Foot traffic is still allowed for those willing to put the time in.

Give a bum a $200 and some tackle and he becomes a snobbish trout bum. Give that same bum and million dollars and he becomes a client.

And anybody who has spent any real time fishing for adromous fish knows that river access is only a small part of the equation. It’s not like they are raised in a lake and fed pellets.

Get a job and save your money instead of buying new MacBook’s and IPhone’s. Next year you could be swinging flies in Iceland.

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRTH

I'd let her hold my Sea Trout. She'd make that face when I finished too!

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterC.B


I bet you are one of the same mf'ers that pays thousands of dollars to hunt Pike County, Il or Kansas or some other huge whitetail destination and when you kill a deer you claim you have mad skills. Not saying anything is easy when it comes to fishing or hunting, but when you take away pressure things do seem to be a little easier. Yeah access if just the beginning, you need the right fly, presentation, conditions etc.. Well the same goes when trying to score. We can go on all day with comparisons

But there is a reason places like this exist in the fishing and hunting world, so people can pay big money to fish un-pressured water, and hunt un-pressured deer. Its all the same no matter how you look at.

And we can go on about DIY and gaining access down there, but again this isn't the issue here.

So, lets see some of those huge Jurassic Lake fish that are so hard to catch, and hear how that area is public as well and how you can pay your dues and access it blah blah shit.

All this is, is an advertising propaganda!

February 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSlab

So, lets see some of those huge Jurassic Lake fish that are so hard to catch, and hear how that area is public as well and how you can pay your dues and access it blah blah shit.
AGREED. But that is one big ass andronomous fish. I did not know the Beaver had property at the end of the world. How do you get on Loops Pro Staff?

February 13, 2010 | Unregistered

Fernada is thrilled with all the kind words ( a little freaked out by the perverts. LOL), and has been working on her casting daily. For the record she is Argentinian and has lived in RG her whole life. I still remember catching my first steelhead, and she seems to have been bitten by the same bug.

I first came to the RG in 2003 and the poaching was virtually out of control. The fishing was still good, but the gill nets were doing a great job. Several of the fishing operations got together and began to put pressure on the local Government some years ago. They continued to build their case and after four years of work, they have been successful in policing the poaching, and implementing new catch and release rules on the majority of the river. Yes, some of the locals are not happy because they cannot kill tons of fish, but the fishing has improved overall and should be great for the next generation of anglers. I have met several local anglers, who are among the best fly fishers I have ever met. The hardcore guys have never missed a beat and still fish plenty and kick serious ass. The river is 200k and way less then half of it is run by lodges, but even so the lodge operations all offer access directly to the river. Fly to RG, rent a truck, go fish.

A few days ago we ventured further up the system which is 200k in length. We found fresh fish throughout the system (free zones). Amazing to see how a river flourishes when the poaching is controlled.

Slab, Apparently I drank your last beer at some point. Tell me who you are and I’ll drive over a case of Alaskian Amber and we’ll drink it together.

February 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEl Paskador

I feel for those that don't have the money to stay at an expensive lodge and fish. But, I do recognize the need for them in that it is neccessary to maintain quality rivers and it is nice to see our freedom to own private land preserved. I think a balance of public and private waters is needed on all rivers and lakes.

February 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDDG


My apologies.....

I really just don't like private operations shutting down any water. All the fish were great, I can't deny that, and I assure I am not talking shit about that. I understand private waters and their place in the FF industry, it just seems everytime I turn around someone with money is buying up land and closing access to water here and abroad. I have witnessed it first hand in Chile. So I am shall I say trigger happy.

But I will take ya up on the beer. Damn Cabin Fever is setting in.


February 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSlab

Very cool, congrats on the wicked fish!!!

February 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGL Shooter

Awsome fish and smile Fernada !! Rock on, fish on Girl !!!

February 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfishmhard

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