ESPN's Outside the Lines covers Asian carp
Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 12:00AM
And the 6th Annual Redneck Fishing tournament.
El Guapo | 4 Comments |
tagged asian carp, espn in Film and Video
Reader Comments (4)
So what can we do to help hold them back or stop them from advancing up these water ways?
The harm these fish will cause is blown way out of proportion. They are unable to survive in 99% of the eco-systems in the Great Lakes.
love how the guy driving the boat just calmly slaps the carp down. What can locals do to
stop the spread other than to get drunk and "try" to control the population?
blown out of proportion? did you watch the video? are you out of your mind? carp already live in the great lakes, why could these ones not survive? hillary is a perfect name for you. complete idiot