Nov. Slab of the Month Entry: VT LL Salmon

30.5 inch L.L. Salmon - not bad work in Vermont Mr. Cadoret. Not bad at all...
land locked salmon,
slab of the month,
vermont in

30.5 inch L.L. Salmon - not bad work in Vermont Mr. Cadoret. Not bad at all...
Reader Comments (9)
Hells Yeah! Rep the 802 Brian! This man is a beast and unless someone lands a 72" taimen, this has my vote.
Burlington VT
HAHHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!
Nice looking fish!
Rare beauty, to bad naturally reproducing Atlantic Salmon are extinct in Ontario
Why are his fingers all up in its gills? whack and stack?
Next time maybe you can also stab the fish as you're jamming your fingers in its gills.
Salmometer reads 30.5" = 11.1 lbs Nice LL indeed!