Goodness knows what kinds of hallucinations carp have—perhaps they dream they are gefilte fish

From the SI Vault comes this 1964 story about researchers experimenting with LSD on various fish species. The scientists were trying to figure out a way to remove undesirable fish from various waters without having to resort to poison.
Tests showed that when exposed to LSD most species would pop to the top of the water, swim backwards and often go into a you back in college. The idea was that you could treat a body of water with a few gallons of windowpane and then scoop up the trash fish while they were still on their magical mystery tour. The more desirable game fish would then remain unharmed after the drugs wore off in a day or two...except for the occasional acid flashbacks.
Researchers also thought that this technique would someday lead to the commercial chemical harvesting of fish. Bluefin tuna on an acid trip? Now that would be something to see.
LINK (Via:Sports Illustrated)
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