Nov. Slab of the Month Entry: MT Monster Brown

Name: Eric Paulson
General Location: Southwest Montana
Quick Blurb: Sick for Montana's big browns! Simply, fishing hard and "pay day" finally came my way.
brown trout,
slab of the month in

Reader Comments (28)
I think it is actually touching the camera lens
Hold it A LITTLE CLOSER TO THE CAMERA I CAN STILL SEE YOUR FACE. A death star and a megaloop for brown trout fishing. Now I've seen it all.
That is a great fish - look at the size of the adipose fin. Nice work, I'm guessing BH River...
slab of the year. makes that bull look pathetic. nice work
That man is a bigger freak than the fish is...look at disproportionate his hands are to his head!
He should join the circus...
Loop opti runner!!!! Castaway represent!!!!
That fish is dripping with awesomeness!
It's a beaut, Clark, a beaut.
Yeah yeah... blah de bloop.. he's holding it close to the camera. who gives. IT SHOULDN'T TAKE AWAY VALUE OF THIS HOG! Awesome kype! great colors! nice work!
ya because the beaverhead is that wide the whole way down. what kind of guess is that. if you cant figure out what river, then you are clearly a tourist
it wouldn't matter how close or far away from the camera you held that thing.... IT'S HUUGE
"not even close", you are a world class d-bag bud.
Welcome to MT Browns!! Serious Hog right there! Awesome Fish!
BH could also stand for Big Hole. Mook.
I love the dudes up top knocking the distance to the camera! I would imagine most of you have never seen a beast like this first hand, props on a monster brown!
Atta boy blue. Pdogs pig, brown of a lifetime, and believe me he worked hard for it.
Holy big brown Batman!! Nice work Mammoth Hands!!
BH could be Beaverhead, Big Hole, Big Horn, but by the looks there, he's probably on the big hole.
no. that is not the big hole
definately not any river with initials BH....
definately not any river with initials BH....