Save Our Wild Salmon documents Obama’s ghoulish salmon plan

October 29th, 2010 - A broad coalition of salmon advocates, along with the State of Oregon and the Nez Perce Tribe, have fired another shot across the bow in the long-running battle with the federal government and its woefully inadequate and illegal efforts to protect an endangered Northwest icon the wild salmon and steelhead of the Columbia and Snake Rivers. The coalition filed a “motion for summary judgment” asking Judge James Redden to reject President Obama’s Salmon Plan. “We’d like to pretend this plan is just a ‘trick’ and the ‘treat’ is still to come,” said Michael Garrity of American Rivers. “But we can’t. We’ve been here too many times before. This administration has got to stop trying to put a pretty costume on an ugly plan and start following the law and science. We’re dealing with people’s livelihoods and keystone species on the brink of extinction.”
Stay tuned for more on this story as it emerges next week.
And have a Happy Halloween!
- Jb
Read the press release on the SOS website. Listen to the story - “Papers Shuffled in Federal Salmon Plan Lawsuit”

Reader Comments (1)
This is why we need a New president but we need someone for the people ,the way things look now it is pretty harsh looking for the Salmon ,and the people who seem to be showing up for the postion of President dont look promising.This country needs a change and fast ! They were happy if one more fish made it over the dam that filled their needs (the power company that is ) they just want their jobs and dont care what they do to the fish, yet the fish are a huge source of revenue here and if they go so do the people.People need to start looking outside their own needs and look at the needs of everyone.You kill one indusrty and you can kill yourself.this is one of the richest places for Salmon and steeljead in the world yet we have been killing it slowly through greed