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October Slab of the Month Entry: Midwest Brown

Steve Yewchuck spends a lot of October chasing Oct. Kype.  This one get him firmly in the Oct. runnings...

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Reader Comments (29)

That's another October BEAST!

October 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAC

Holy Brown Trout!

October 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterK-tok


October 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterseth

Nice !
Maybe I should grow a soul patch and throw in some chew for luck

October 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCaptBB

Even Steelhead Steve will tell you this brute did not come from Montana, or Tierra del Fuego. If you guessed east of the Mississipi you are getting closer. Good job man!

October 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterS. Bean Nymphem

Wetted stream width....six feet. Gravel raping loser.

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterduh

Now that's a slab of a year heck with a month. Great catch!

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJ Zarecki

Chuck and Duck Snagger...
Please respect flyfishing and get your ass off this site , punk !!!!!!!!!!!
This Punk was snagging atlantic salmon on the Salmon River, New york,
this sumnmer for a photo opp.. Can and will verify!

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick

I know that place ! I bet that your are looking at the main river and that the secondary flood channel is in back of you in the pic ?

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSweet

yeah nice fish, but isn't that the guy who was featured in Fish & Fly for catching a record Crappie? That thing was a monster.

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNC

hey knuckle head, dont hate the player, hate the game!! if you dont like the pulaski mentality, stay home

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersticky McKnutsax

Dear "Patrick",
Show us some proof then homeboy. Don't rattle your saber if you aren't going to back it up. Roll up and put your money on the table. Then the rest of us will decide who the punk is. Thanks for playing.

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBig Daddy

Snagger. Bottom lifting Troglodyte with ZERO respect for his quarry. Learn to fish, those Atlantics will actually eat if you PRESENT a fly to them. We got your number on the SR.

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

ATTA BOY STEVE....who is this patrick fellow? l

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBIG BEN THE SHOP RAT

I guess Patrick doesn't know the difference between nymphing and snagging. It's too bad some bad apple spey swingers have to knock the nymph guys down. Oh and Patrick, nice job blowing up your own fishing spot.

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCoachman

Sounds like the only piker is the jealous punk who blew up his own fishing spot !Job well done ,I'll see you there next summer with my treble hooks !Next time post the GPS coordinates . Nice fish !

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFran

The NUMBER is the amount of fish that will eat small naturals like caddis pupa instead of big flys shoved down their throats in low water !There's nothing wrong with swinging flys but , what I have seen on this section of river are rods who's tips get caught in the trees on the other side and lines that streatch the length of the pool limiting space for everyone ! Just a thought from a local that thinks the clubs should stick to the bigger water.

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteryour friend and neighbor

David- thanks for the vocabulary lesson, i knew i missed that word on my sat's. whats the difference between a presented NYMPH and presented spey fly? which one is a more natural imitation? the spey dudes dont talk ethics when they are running flies 150 feet downstream through a pool so that no other guy can fish, swinger OR nympher. oh and patrick, if he was snagging and you saw it (supposedly), how come you didnt call the DEC? seems if you were a true "river keeper" you would have alerted the authorities. nice fish steve, hope you win this months slab.

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGreen Drake

#1 Nymphing with attached weight was/is illegal.. Check the regulations
This regulation was put in to effect to protect the fish during warm water periods.
Atlantic salmon rise to a fly when they enter the river, I think you would enjoy this after
the age of 13.
Why not try?

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick

you and all apoligist of snaggers for photo opp's , validate my point.
I never spoke of a spot, I spoke of a river.. I spoke of using techniques illegal
where they were being used at that time. There is a spot where attaching weight
to the leader is illegal, I did not mention that. Are you the same Fran I spoke to at the
Salmon River Hatchery and you did not want the, no added weight regulation? Are you the
same Fran I donated lodging for your Nov, 2010 event? If so, count me out...

There is a grass roots group of people trying restore atlantic salmon to Lake Ontario.
The snagging/nymphing practices developed for chinook salmon will kill any chance for this.
Take a look at history, learn about the species.
Sorry to take a shot at your Boy, but he was snagging last time I saw him and, fishing
illegal after being warned/told of reglations while he continued to do so over a 2 week period..

Hey it's the internet, bring it tough guys..

Patrick Ross
Anglers Lodge, Altmar, New York

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick

I have no thing against nymphing for willing fish.
A fly rod is great thing, I use them regulary for willing fish..
You=posting with made up nick-names are exactly that= a nick name on the internet..

Nice spawing brown trout, I agree..


October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick

Last time I checked sink tips were legal !That's what the boys have been using and the rigs have been looked over by Dec officers while fishing with no problems so open your peepers!As far as lodging we will gladly stay some wheres else.

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfran

Seems to me that the fish will rise long after entering the river when there that far up and have been in the system for days.I seen that cat and his crew on the river this summer using all kinds of presentation.The most impressive was when they had the Atlantics coming up for drys and missing the set.They had a few words of disappointment that I got a chuckle from!Some people need to check them selfs !,Hopfully next summer you guys will get the timing down and bring a few of those bad boys to hand on the dry.Nice fish by the way!

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJack the OLD TIMER

Seems as though we are getting off the original point. Patrick, you said "can and will verify" and you haven't done that. Furthermore, now you're saying that you supposedly saw him fish illegally for 2 weeks. Why didn't you alert the DEC like Green Drake asked? Seems like that would make you as guilty as anybody who fishes illegally. Seems to me that there is some question in the validity of your claims at this point unless you have HD video of it all. Nobody who actually cares about this fishery would allow that to go on.
Second of all, you continue to lump nymphers and snaggers together and that's not a fair assumption and only shows your short-sightedness regarding nymphers despite your claims about nymphing to "willing fish".
Third, you mention that snagging/nymphing (2 separate things) are hazardous to Atlantic Salmon populations and their recovery in the Lake Ontario tribs. I have never seen and verifiable evidence confirming this claim. Furthermore, if you are truly a guardian of the river, we are all looking to you to provide scientific proof of this and then we will all gladly stop nymphing during the Atlantic season. Additionally, if it is so hazardous to the AS populations, why hasn't your grass roots coalition forced the state to close the river during AS season? And if clubbing AS with 6 inch long streamers is so much better for the fish, at least make the river a "swung fly only" fishery during the season.
Lastly, whilst not my intention to start a pissing contest with you, do you have any more of those free rods you were handing out?

October 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVaporizer

Now that we all know where patrick fishes....lets got there next summer!

October 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBIG BEN THE SHOP RAT

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