October Slab of the Month Entry: G. Smolt Edition

Brutha H. displays some of the straightest, flesh lovinest rainbow you'll see all day. Fitting entry to break the Oct. ice.
BTW - that fleece will no doubt be found in the fly fishing history museum some day.
buster wants to fish,
flesh fly,
rainbow trout in

Reader Comments (10)
Nice beautiful fish pic. Been catching a lot of steel/bow myself but not that big. Good job
Nice fis thar Snowflake...
That's a Rainbow! Sweet Fish
A beast for sure.
I've been trying to get him to make me one of his special holiday hats for a few years. No go.
Looks like it was an epic trip G. Sorry we could not connect on the other river. The weekend I invited you was good. Not many but all bruisers. However nothing like the Nk.
Best place on Earth. No cropping of the face needed bro. Slab o' da year IMO.
Looks like you got your grove on, fisha. Respect!
I was there. G_Smolt put the hurt on the big guys. He got over 100" of rainbow in that one hole with two 30" plus pigs. When I saw him he was having a brew before terorizing them some more. I did good but bow to sir Smolt.
What a beautiful fish. Gets my vote
G smolt nice fish man now that is a rainbow ! Got one on the Deschutes with that fly you sent me by the way.