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Vintage Chum

From the Orvis website:

Hand blown and first launched in 1885, the Orvis Glass Minnow Trap sold briskly for more than 80 years. During World War II, the disruption of the saltwater fishing fleet by German U-boats saw a rise in the trap's orders as traps were used by freshwater fisherman who fished for a living or for sustenance. During the War, the trap played a crucial role in the Orvis Company's survival.

You can still buy one from Orvis today although the modern replica will set you back $300. LINK

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Reader Comments (2)

when i first started striper fishing, i learned that you could tie a rope around a returnable milk bottle, put some small pieces of bread in it and launch it into the surf. after a few minutes you could haul it in and usually find a couple of minnows in it. same idea, just a bit more rudimentary.

January 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEl Pescador

...should hire that fuckin bird...jus sayin

January 9, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdeerhawk

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