Neville Flynn would be proud
Our friend Tim Ridings forwarded us this story and images.
Greetings to everyone from River Run Guide Service.
In 20 years of fishing the Middle/Upper Brazos River, I can honestly say that I have never encountered a venomous snake (pit viper) within the riverbed. However, as I tell my clients, go outside the riverbed and that can be a very different story.
Obviously, just because I have never come across a venomous snake in the river, does not in any way mean they are not there. In fact, I always remain vigilant and on the lookout knowing that I'm simply overdue for my first encounter.
The way I look at it, Texas, venomous snakes and the outdoors will always go hand in hand.
So, I wasn't too surprised when I observed a juvenile rattlesnake headed across the river while I was in my kayak flipping a jig for bass.
I continue fishing. However, I can't help to notice the rattler has changed it's course and is headed straight for my kayak.
At this point, I've pretty much quit fishing and have my attention focused on the intentions of this potentially pesky pit viper.
While tracking the rattler's movement, I couldn't help but think, from a fish's point of view, how enticing the serpentine motion of this snake looked while in the water.
Suddenly, I am jolted back to reality by the fact the rattler is now along side my kayak and is lifting it's head out of the water in an apparent attempt to come aboard.
No way I'm having this ill intentioned reptilian hitchhiker nosing around the kayak. So, with a couple whacks of the paddle, it's now docile as can be.
Now my mind begins to wonder...Hmmmm.
This rattler looks like mighty good big bass bait!!!
I put him in one of the footwells on the kayak and paddle over to a series of submerged river laydowns
Here is my "Superstar" getting warmed up in the bullpen. so I can begin to put my plan into action.
Put me in, Coach!!!
I now cautiously rig the snake by hooking it through the bottom of the jaw and through the top of the head onto a weedless black 3/4 oz. jig.
On my sixth cast into the snag infested laydown my jig n snake combo gets destroyed on the fall as indicated by a telltale "thump" that reverberates all the way down my rod blank. I set the hook hard and immediately feel stiff resistance on the other end from what I know is a solid fish.
What happens next is something I'll likely never forget as I watch my bass come cartwheeling out of the water with the rattler hanging out of it's mouth!
The LMB gave a really good account of itself and I eventually get her alongside the kayak. I cautiously lip the opposite side of the cavernous mouth where the fish is hooked.
I now take a moment to pose with my oversize snake eating river bass before returning her back into the river depths.
I admit, my curiosity might have gotten the best of me on this one. However, I just couldn't help it.
In the end...
It was just another Kayak Fishing Adventure on the Brazos River, Tx..
Reader Comments (30)
Yep microtool it did, I come here for the fly fishing not bait chucking. There is an inside connection to this site with a major company that starts with a" P " and encourages environmental activism, come on you think about it.
You guys bite harder than that snake would have.
Oh Wanker.....why do you need to bring Patagonia in to this? I have been a proud customer for years. I support them because of the causes they support. Doesn't change the fact that I would have whacked the snake over the head with my paddle too without blinking an eye.
Wanker if you don't like the Chum go somewhere else brother. Does your Mom know you spend this much time on the net?
After you hooked it and started fishing with it, was the snake still alive and swimming around on top? I am guessing yes...I've seen trout take small snakes swimming on top of the water. I can only imagine how big of a snake a LMB would take.
By the way, as long as the rattlers aren't threatened or endangered in your area, this is no worse than any other type of live bait fishing. Ignore the haters--cool idea and cool pics.
Amen Joe. Preach on brother. Preach on.
To bad the rattller didn't bite ypu a-hole.Ever hear of Doug Hannon's snake lures?Or you to cheap to buy them.