Sept Slab of the Month Entry: Southeast Alaska Coho

The Douglas Island Pink and Chum Salmon Hatchery (DIPAC) employees flew up Taku River near Juneau Alaska to collect wild coho broodstock for the hatchery. And wild broodstock coho did Shawn Haase find.
Sept. SOTM is alarmingly shocking...
slab of the month,
southeast alaska,
wild coho salmon in

Reader Comments (7)
que all the little girls crying about the guy standing up and keeping the fish too far away from the water that a wedding ring spinner with a swivel connecting it to the line?
Mr. Brain,
Non flyfishing entry shoot seriously? Shall I drag out all my wire dragging pics of 30-40lb kings? Really? Not fair!
Bring on your Kings, but in the spirit of making it relative, 30 to 40 ain't gonna cut it. Send us your 80 to 90 lbers.
I thought there were guidelines for SOM.... I can send some slabs that my kid caught on worms and marshmallows.
That fish is too far away from the water.