
I was inspired by the exceptional fins and scales photo set of our Flickr friend 1BG to do some creative cropping on this Colorado River brownie.
1BG is Bryan Gregson who also chronicles his travels with a fly rod and camera at
Click on the image to see Bryan's fins and scales photoset.

fly fishing photography in

Reader Comments (18)
remember that time you took 50 pictures of that big spawning brown in mt and killed the fish?
Great shots brian. keep them coming.
Very creative! What a awesome shots!! Chum you did great too! : )
JC, you're a dick. Guys like you BUG. If I remember correctly, the bulk of the photos were taken after the fish wouldn't revive. I recently landed a 10lbs rainbow. Got it in quickly, had it out of the water for no longer than 5-10 seconds at a time, only snapped a few pictures (would have really liked to get a bunch) , and did everything else you're supposed to to keep fish alive. I tried to revive it for 20 minutes and the 'ol girl would just swim off and go belly up in the weeds. Sometimes there's just not much you can do. That hog was OLD and spent. 1BG cares more about fish and the waters they live in, and does more to protect them than I would imagine you do. STFU
BG: Nice stuff man, your fin shots are solid and I know a number of them have been in major publications which is all the cred you need. As far as the anonymous comments go, they are the pathetic efforts of a weak mind trying to compensate for lesser skill.
CHUM: You should disable the anonymous comments, they lack class and credibility.
BG: Can't wait to see more.
this dude killed a huge brown on the madison last are cool but lets not them let us kill the fish for the sake of a blog
its cool man, every utard now drives up I-15 to rape spawners. it does take skill to catch a 15 pound brown out of 24 inches of water, very talented individual with both the rod and camera.
"That hog was OLD and spent" i guess. this was great for the madison river
Utards need to stay off the upper madison
this guy is a joke...taking pics of spawning fish close up? really?
Awesome fin shots. It always amazes me how many a-holes come out to try and bag on someone that has clearly taken some beautiful shots. Success seems to breed hate from those who lack the skills.
I remember Bob Jacklin taking some of the same critisisems when he caught his large brown trout. For every fish BG has kept (which is very few I am sure), thousands of trout have been released.
Envious? I think so. Some of you katz lack the sack to post under your identities.
Keep up the great work Bryan. Your fin photography is top notch.
Hopefully anyone that has spoken out against killing fish is not an angler. If so, I hate to be the one to post a newsflash: Fishing kills fish. Surface temperature, location of the hook injury, duration of the fight, handling by the angler, and a host of other factors all contribute to the stress a fish experiences while being caught. If you do everything within your control "right" hooking mortality is still an unavoidable consequence of our sport. As sportsmen we want to minimize this, but there is nothing that can be done to eliminate it.
Any angler that is self-righteous enough to speak out against killing fish is an ignorant hypocrite. Responsible angling typically results in 5% to 8% mortality. If you are opposed to killing fish, stop fishing and start working with PETA on the initiative to refer to all fish as "sea kittens." It's a role much better suited to nutless wonders.
Yeah, BG takes way too many pics. seen the evidence myself more than once. all to feed his selfish ego. recently seen a seriies of way to many pics of a big bow spitting out eggs and then more pics after the egg spittage. the big brown on the mad last year, that was a huge joke too, BG get some class!
your mom needs to stay off the upper madison
crying for a invasive sp.? get educated! JC that's so dumb!
change different names on the same post doesn't make you looks smarter either... they are all along the same logic... stupid!
God jealousy wreaks in this joint. It was a non native brown fuckin trout on the Maddy. Whoopty shit!
An egg spewing rainbow caught on a midge in a water that, holly shit, rainbow aren't native.
Jump off your crosses and find some class you pussy's. BG has more class and ethics in his guard hairs than you pussy's criticizing.
hopefully you idiots that think it's okay to kill a fish for pictures stay the fuck out of MT. sorry, but keeping a fish out of water for pictures and killing it is far below my class and ethics. Look at the leathery dry skin of the brown trout in BG's pic. that fish was out of the water so long. native or not, killing fish for the sake of pictures is not legit. btw, it has nothing to do with jealousy. I catch plenty of trophy browns, that get photo'd and released to live another day.
If you guys don't want to kill ANY fish, stop fishing PERIOD! Jealous bitches.