Soft Plastics: Food for Thought

Just got this note from Matt McKeever (Senior PR Rep from L.L. Bean department of affairs):
Greetings Moldy Chum!
Maine's Inland Fisheries and Wildlife did a study recently on how the ingestion of soft plastics harm fish...not only are they an environmental menace, fish arevoluntarily eating them...and as you might imagine, are getting harmed as a result.
In addition, by August 1, 2009, L.L.Bean Retail Storeswill no longer be offering traditional soft plastic lures and will be proud to only offer biodegradable alternatives which cost roughly the same, are just as effective and durable and breakdown naturally in waterwithin 60-90 days and within 30 days in a fish's stomach. The new assortment of biodegradable alternativesalso closely mirror the broad assortment previously represented by the traditional soft plastics L.L.Bean was offering. Read more at the American Fisheries Society

Reader Comments (5)
Kudos LL Bean
Good for LL Bean. Plastics is the fastest growing part of the tackle industry.
Hats off to LL Bean for taking a lead role in the switch to biodegradable plastics. While guiding this spring I killed a landlocked salmon in Grand Lake Stream that showed obvious signs of distress. When cleaned the culprit was a plastic lizard. We also see numerous smallmouth every season with the same issue. This is not an isolated occurrence. Let's see if the big tackle retailers can follow suit.
I'm all for this...that is a big jump for a tackle company, there should really be regulations on that stuff....
ummm...he goes by MACK MacKeever, not Matt. And his real first name is actually something Carroll or Lawrence. LOL