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Letter to the Editor

Here's one that resulted from this post last month

To: Moldy Chum

From: L.M.M., esq (we've used initials in this case - it appears this guy could potentially be a lawyer so we're cya'n it here)

Dear Staff,

re: Steelhead picture

Your steelhead picture is truly disgusting, in fact it so revolting that I will always associate the travesty of other equally disturbing 59 pictures with The pictures are disgusting, revolting and disturbing on many different levels, not the least of which is the depiction of flyfishermen as irrational and selfish. The pictured guide, I do hope that he is not, lacks the tiniest modicum of professionalism, morals and should have his license revoked for being completely devoid of human ethics in treating such a rare and endangered natural resource.

That you, and your site hosted this insulting message severly derogates any, if any thing positive that you may do or may have done. Your site was sent to me as a link, I do not ever plan on visiting your site again. Moreover, I am sending this message to each of your advertisers, since savvy retailers do not want to be associated with such debased, and risky display of what you stand for.


L.M.M., esq

This email had us baffled a bit - but in the end, we really dig this guys passion.  And with that came our response.

To: L.M.M, esq (again, litigation protection - yeah, yeah, we know emails are public domain, but this guy's a bulldog, so you never know)

From: Moldy Chum

Subject: Re: Steelhead picture

Dear L.,

Wicked curveball you deliver sir.  We really respect your passion, but we can only assume you didn't carefully read our commentary on this series of pictures.  It appears we share a similar position and agree that this photo-shoot was indeed disturbing.  It's disappointing that you aren't a bit more familiar with our work - it sounds like we could go to battle together.

In the meantime, you deserve a bit of a spanking on the following:

1) Your "Dear Staff" comment is a bit off - we're two guys and a couple of farting dogs.  No one truly gets paid here and no one is worthy of being called "staff."

2) You have esq attached to your name which tells us you either have a social rank that is like a knight, or a squire or you are an attorney.  We're assuming it's the latter.  That said, don't lawyers usually read between the lines - or read period?

3) We're sorry to have lost you as a reader - or at least a "looker."

4) Modicum is a big word.  We'd respond to it, but have no idea what it means.

5) You forgot to spell check your email - was your paralegal ill that day?

6) Let us know if you need the direct email and/or phone number of our advertisers (that includes marketing team members and/or presidents of said advertisers).   We'd also be more than happy to set up a conference call.  Let's wait till next week though, as we're actually on a 3 day fishing trip with a couple of them right now.  These guys are like brothers - I think you'll like them.

7) Seriously drop us a line anytime - if you applied your feverish passion in the right direction, we could actually impact issues relating to the future of our native runs.  Here's a great piece our good friend Dylan Tomine wrote on the state of Steelhead (which as you can see is hosted, promoted, and supported on Moldy Chum).  There's also some background on other organizations that Moldy Chum heavily promotes and/or makes annual financial contributions to.


EJR, Chum Editor

P.S. If you are really an attorney, we want to thank you.  It's about time someone actually made us think carefully about what we're writing.

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Reader Comments (13)

Smells like something an egotistical attorney would write. Quick to attack, only half the facts spun in their favor (or is it), and fires off hate mail to others with the hope of destroying your worthless point-of-view. He's probably looking for a client to bill for the time spent giving you the low down on just how he plans to run you out of business....

Phucking A-Hole

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTim

Spell check...who uses that anyways. I know the fonetically spelling of the word is just as good.

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCraig

In addition ot spell check, please remind L.M.M., esq. the word 'for' is a preposition and one should never use a prepostion to end a sentence 'with'. Especially the last sentence, dork.

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterF. L. Bailey

It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who gets emails like this from D-Bags like this. Bout time you guys got your balls busted. HA! Thanks for sharing. The reply was priceless.
READ THE POST DUDE! Sending an email to all your sponsors? Really, who does he think he is?? This guy really needs some Preparation H and some spey casting lessons from EJR.
If he really is an attorney thank god he doesn't represent me, especially after that incident in Canada.

PS. fonetic spelling rulz.

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobison

Another example of nut job fruit cakes , probably a Vegan, or a PETA . Did his honor , read how the Native Indians harvest a huge pile of fish every year . Wake up, and look at the whole forrest. Its one dead fish. Wolves eat baby rabbits . Fish are canibals.

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGet Reel

Wow someone tell this A-Hole to go back to Washington FlyFishing

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFish Stixs

I just spent three days in court getting cross examined by someone who must have at least been this guy's best friend. Maybe he could turn his angst on the miners up in Bristol Bay next time. Let's hope he never sees Capt. Gordon's gill net video.

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMurdock

1) Your "Dear Staff" comment is a bit off - we're two guys and a couple of farting dogs. No one truly gets paid here and no one is worthy of being called "staff."


May 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterficklepuss, Esq.

hahaha I got a similar email like this a while back because a fly fisherman thought I was trashing on him because he caught and killed a huge fish.
Couldn't correct him though, i really was...

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBenjamin Rioux


This guy is totally off target...We were making fun of that steelheader!!

He could not be lawyer.... he is so DUMB! bloody dumb...

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

shut up and go fishing

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermatt


Douche Bag

May 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarrin-CA

Dante has a special ring reserved in Hell for yellow-bellied online hecklers who hide behind a veil of anonymity and spout baseless anger

cheers to your response

May 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFly Fish Chick

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