Anglo American mining executive visits Alaska

Promises to store some of the Pebble Mine tailings in his eyebrows.
LINK (Via: THe Anchorage Daily News)

Stop the Pebble Mine in

Promises to store some of the Pebble Mine tailings in his eyebrows.
LINK (Via: THe Anchorage Daily News)
Reader Comments (5)
To think that the fate of the Talarik, Koktuli, Kvichak, Mulchatna and Nushagak as well as tribs and Lake Lliamna and Bristol lie in the hands of this guy.
No Pebble Mine!
I have noticed that the number of salmon and steelhead have not improved, even though Obama has been in office for 3 months. Why does he hate these fish? Is he the most anti-environment president ever? Is its possible Cheney can brought in to right the ship? Why does obama love pebble mines?
Mr. Kisser
One thing we as fly fishers, guides, lodge-owners, mags etc... must focus on is opening a dialogue and join forces with the locals who live near and around Pebble. Times are extremely tough in bush Alaska with skyrocketing costs of fuel and food. Desperate times may give way to deserate measures.
Recently, the 'Pebble Fund' dispersed $1 million to communities (hush money).
Combine that with the fact that the state of AK is run by a governor who not only single-handedly may have laid out the red carpet for Pebble (her defeat of Prop 4 Clean Water Initiative), she is more interested in posturing for her future political gains than the well-being of her own constituents (declining to accept fed stimulus funds that would greatly benefit bush Alaska).
The folks at Pebble (picture Moody raising his Dune-like brows) must see this as a great opportunity to extort both Alaska's people and her resources. Destroying our Bristol Bay, pocketing the majority of the profits to Anglo's coffers and leaving after everything is taken is not my idea of a sound long-term plan. Pebble will do everything it takes to cloud people's fears with the lure and power of the green.
We must all pool together, join forces and fight like steelhead.
I wish I had brows like that.