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Great Lakes fishermen less contaminated than a decade ago 

Anglers who ate Great Lakes fish have 33 percent fewer PCBs and 43 percent less DDT in their bodies than they did a decade ago, largely because they changed their diet and switched to less contaminated fish, according to a study by Wisconsin researchers.

The scientists compared blood drawn from people in 1994-1995 with blood from the same people drawn roughly nine years later. Most of the 293men and womentested were sports fishers and boat captains who consumed large amounts of Great Lakes fish.

LINK (Via: Environmental Health News)

In other Great Lakes news.

Obama proposes $475M for Great Lakes restoration.

The 2010 spending blueprint released last Thursday includes a $475 million Great Lakes Restoration Initiative led by the Environmental Protection Agency. It would target problems such as invasive species, runoff pollution, degraded wildlife habitat and contaminated bottomlands.

LINK (Via:The Chicago Trib)

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