Monday, December 21, 2009 at 12:10PM
In their break thru debut, Soulcast Fly Fishers and Down Home Films present RELEASE, a film about escaping the pressures of everyday life, and the struggles to change the culture of fishing in the southeast. Release has received rave reviews and recently won the UNCC Film Festival 1st Place award
Reader Comments (27)
I can't believe what I have just watched. First and foremost I am from North Carolina and if you want to fly fish or even make a movie about you don’t live in Charlotte. That city is a shit hole and so is the DH water in Stone Mtn SP. These guys are no better than the people they make fun. There are a lot of wild fish in North Carolina that are bigger than that retard stocker in the video....wait….I mean that’s the biggest fish in NC guys case closed, stay in Charlotte and on the DH water you degenerate fucks.
That video was awesome