Acromioplasty Surgery - Attention all Spey Manufacturers

Shoulder Impingement is a painful condition caused by compression of rotator cuff tendons by the shoulder blade when the arm is raised. According to my orthopedist (ex team Dr. for our local major Pac-10 university) when the patient is younger, the condition is caused by repetitive over head motion sports such as baseball or swimming. Moving forward he will now add fly fishing to that list. Single handed rod casting to be specific.
After months of PT and little improvement, I'm biting the bullet today and having acromioplasty surgery. In fact, it's possible that the tool used to bore out more breathing room in my shoulder is sizzling as we speak. And, in some Northwest flow, there's bound to be a fish or two with a smirky mandible.
As spey brands/manufactureres plan for their 2010 marketing campaigns, they may consider adding another value point to their positioning statements. And, I'm their man if they need endorsement.

Reports from Mrs. Rathbun are that E-bun is doing well post surgery.
Reader Comments (15)
ow! right arm is fine, due in part to all those years of paddling out at Honolua I'm guessing... but all you 5w guys with that twinge in yer shoulder go right ahead and buy a Spey, I got ya covered on the small streams....hehe
Sounds like crap to me. My left shoulder still is messed up with impingement from football and my casting arm is just fine.
Casting with pushes, not chops may be the key.
you sound like a pussy who needs to realize that fly fishing is not a varsity sport
ejr - if you didn't report single handed pleasuring yourself to your health history form then you weren't being truthful with your surgeon! lucky for you the rehab protocol for acromioplasty and subacromial debridement encourages activity below the level of your shoulder early in the recovery process!
Wow everyone seems a little hard on ya E.....good luck with your surgery,
Wow, what a bunch of sympathetic douches. I know if sumpthin' put a hitch in my casting stroke I'd get it fixed..........
Good luck with that one, man. It's a pain in the arse coming back from it. Not only will it change your casting stroke entirely, you WILL fight bad habits like you have never before. Not fun at all, man, not fun at all.
This doesn't mean we're not gonna get a Friday pin-up this week, does it ?
Ouch, good luck on your recovery. I hope you get a spey rod endorsement deal out of this
Ah, crap. I read it too quick to see that it was a personal account. Sorry about that E.
I'll admit that if my casting shoulder worked as painfully as my other, I'd likely get it fixed.
hope all is well E- Thats some rough shit man.
First off, as the inventor of fly fishing, all I can say is you all must be doing it wrong.
Slow down or be shot.
I delayed surgery for 30 years and if I had known what a relieve and quality of life it lent I wouldn't have waited a day. Buck up, suck up and take the needle... You'll be glad you did.
I am afraid of surgery, one of them to flee for life regardless of consequences. I know it s wrong