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Hatchery fish have their place, but is the Makenzie River the place?

Oregon’s blue-ribbon Metolius and Deschutes rivers are examples of a rapid recovery of wild populations after the elimination of hatchery plants. The state’s own McKenzie management policy spells out the road to recovery in a single, easy step: Remove stocked trout from the McKenzie. All we need to do now is follow it.

Read more at The Register Guard here

As there should be, a hefty amount of debate surrounds this issue - why not let the Chum Nation chime in.  Let's sound off on our forum

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Reader Comments (3)

It's McKenzie!

November 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKruiser73

This is my home river, and thanks for covering this issue. If folks want to get involved with the McKenzie Upper Willamette Trout Unlimited Chapter that's spearheading this, they can sign up for our emails here: and join our Facebook cause here:

November 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

can you explain your rationale for why hatcheries have ANY place on our rivers?

November 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRiverist

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