Pro Pebble Group Wants to Join Suit
Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 11:30PM
The pro Pebble Mine group – the Pebble Partnership – is asking to become a co-defendant in a case challenging the mine. If a judge grants the request, the Partnership would join the state Department of Natural Resources in defending a management plan that is tied to development of the Pebble project.
You can listen to the report from Alaska Public Radio below.
El Guapo | 4 Comments |
tagged Stop the Pebble Mine in Conservation
Reader Comments (4)
I don't know if i"m the only one with this problem, but I can never listen to embedded audio on this site -- the little Quicktime Q just sits there and shakes, but no music comes out.
Anyway, if anyone else is having trouble with this embedded audio, here's the URL for the Alaska Public Radio bite:
I've never heard before of someone "asking" to be a defendant in an existing suit. WTF could they bring to the party by being co-defendant that they couldn't have just supplied to the existing defendant?
Try downloading the Adobe Flash Player 10.
I love it when people question the word NO.... as in NO PEBBLE MINE!
Anything that would disrupt the natural rhythm and cycles of this resource that exists within or surrounding the foot print of the proposed project is wrong, period