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Take action to protect BC's coast from oil spills

Chinese, Korean, and other oil companies are on the verge of signing a deal that could make oil tankers on BC's coast a reality. The tankers would be picking up Alberta tar sands oil delivered via a proposed pipeline to a tanker port at Kitimat.

The Dogwood Initiative has put together a campaign to protest the tanker deal. LINK

What if this recent coastal B.C. accident were to happen to one of those super tankers?

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Reader Comments (2)


If 10% of the Chum Nation takes the 60 seconds to fill out the form, it WILL have a material impact on where this is headed. Our brothers to the north are in a fight to keep the Enbridge Pipeline from traveling the Skeena drainage as it makes it way from Alberta toward Kitimat on the BC coast. ONE SPILL and the wild fish are doomed. The tankers that would try and navigate the shallow coastal waters would certainly lead to another Exxon Valdez incident.

November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEl Paskador

The waters up here are pretty rough at times, I think its just crazy they want to run tankers through here, an unloaded tanked ran aground a month or so ago up in Kitimat. see link:

November 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavid R

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